
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package opalj

    OPAL is a Scala-based framework for the static analysis, manipulation and creation of Java bytecode.

    OPAL is a Scala-based framework for the static analysis, manipulation and creation of Java bytecode. OPAL is designed with performance, scalability and adaptability in mind.

    Its main components are:

    • a library (Common) which provides generally useful data-structures and algorithms for static analyses.
    • a framework for implementing lattice based static analyses (Static Analysis Infrastructure)
    • a framework for parsing Java bytecode (Bytecode Infrastructure) that can be used to create arbitrary representations.
    • a library to create a one-to-one in-memory representation of Java bytecode (Bytecode Disassembler).
    • a library to create a representation of Java bytecode that facilitates writing simple static analyses (Bytecode Representation -
    • a scalable, easily customizable framework for the abstract interpretation of Java bytecode (Abstract Interpretation Framework -
    • a library to extract dependencies between code elements and to facilitate checking architecture definitions.
    • a library for the lightweight manipulation and creation of Java bytecode (Bytecode Assembler).

    General Design Decisions

    Thread Safety

    Unless explicitly noted, OPAL is thread safe. I.e., the classes defined by OPAL can be considered to be thread safe unless otherwise stated. (For example, it is possible to read and process class files concurrently without explicit synchronization on the client side.)

    No null Values

    Unless explicitly noted, OPAL does not null values I.e., fields that are accessible will never contain null values and methods will never return null. If a method accepts null as a value for a parameter or returns a null value it is always explicitly documented. In general, the behavior of methods that are passed null values is undefined unless explicitly documented.

    No Typecasts for Collections

    For efficiency reasons, OPAL sometimes uses mutable data-structures internally. After construction time, these data-structures are generally represented using their generic interfaces (e.g., scala.collection.{Set,Map}). However, a downcast (e.g., to add/remove elements) is always forbidden as it would effectively prevent thread-safety.


    OPAL makes heavy use of Scala's Assertion Facility to facilitate writing correct code. Hence, for production builds (after thorough testing(!)) it is highly recommend to build OPAL again using -Xdisable-assertions.

    Definition Classes
  • package tac

    Common definitions related to the definition and processing of three address code.

    Common definitions related to the definition and processing of three address code.

    Definition Classes
  • package fpcf
    Definition Classes
  • package analyses
    Definition Classes
  • package fieldassignability
    Definition Classes
  • AbstractFieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • EagerL0FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • EagerL1FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • EagerL2FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • L0FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • L0FieldAssignabilityAnalysisScheduler
  • L1FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • L1FieldAssignabilityAnalysisScheduler
  • L2FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • L2FieldAssignabilityAnalysisScheduler
  • LazyL0FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • LazyL1FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  • LazyL2FieldAssignabilityAnalysis



class L2FieldAssignabilityAnalysis extends AbstractFieldAssignabilityAnalysis with FPCFAnalysis

Determines the assignability of a field.


Requires that the 3-address code's expressions are not deeply nested.

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. L2FieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  2. AbstractFieldAssignabilityAnalysis
  3. FPCFAnalysis
  4. ProjectBasedAnalysis
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractFieldAssignabilityAnalysisState extends AnyRef
  2. type AnalysisState = State
  3. case class State(field: Field) extends AbstractFieldAssignabilityAnalysisState with Product with Serializable
  4. type V = DUVar[ValueInformation]

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def c(eps: SomeEPS)(implicit state: AnalysisState): ProperPropertyComputationResult

    Continuation function handling updates to the FieldPrematurelyRead property or to the purity property of the method that initializes a (potentially) lazy initialized field.

    Continuation function handling updates to the FieldPrematurelyRead property or to the purity property of the method that initializes a (potentially) lazy initialized field.

    Definition Classes
  6. final def ch: ClassHierarchy
    Definition Classes
  7. implicit final def classHierarchy: ClassHierarchy
    Definition Classes
  8. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  9. final val closedPackages: ClosedPackages
  10. val considerLazyInitialization: Boolean
  11. def createResult()(implicit state: AnalysisState): ProperPropertyComputationResult
  12. def createState(field: Field): AnalysisState
  13. implicit final val declaredMethods: DeclaredMethods
  14. final val definitionSites: DefinitionSites
  15. def determineLazyInitialization(writeIndex: Int, defaultValues: Set[Any], method: Method, taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V])(implicit state: AnalysisState): FieldAssignability

    Determines the kind of lazy initialization of a given field in the given method through a given field write.

  16. def doDetermineFieldAssignability(entity: Entity): ProperPropertyComputationResult
  17. def dominates(potentiallyDominatorIndex: Int, potentiallyDominatedIndex: Int, taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V]): Boolean

    Determines whether the basic block of a given index dominates the basic block of the other index or is executed before the other index in the case of both indexes belonging to the same basic block.

  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final val fieldAccessInformation: FieldAccessInformation
  21. def findCatchesAndThrows(tacCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V]): (List[(Int, IntTrieSet)], List[(Int, IntTrieSet)])

    This method returns the information about catch blocks, throw statements and return nodes

    This method returns the information about catch blocks, throw statements and return nodes


    The second element of the tuple returns: The throw statements: (the pc, the definitionSites, the bb of the throw statement)


    It requires still determined taCode

  22. def findGuards(fieldWrite: Int, defaultValues: Set[Any], taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V])(implicit state: State): List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)]

    Finds the indexes of the guarding if-Statements for a lazy initialization, the index of the first statement executed if the field does not have its default value and the index of the field read used for the guard and the index of the field-read.

  23. def findMonitors(fieldWrite: Int, tacCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V])(implicit state: State): (Option[Int], Option[Int])

    Searches the closest monitor enter and exit to the field write.

    Searches the closest monitor enter and exit to the field write.


    the index of the monitor enter and exit

  24. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  25. def getDefaultValues()(implicit state: AnalysisState): Set[Any]

    Returns the initialization value of a given type.

    Returns the initialization value of a given type.

    Definition Classes
  26. def getPredecessors(node: CFGNode, visited: Set[CFGNode]): List[BasicBlock]

    Returns all predecessor BasicBlocks of a CFGNode.

  27. def getSuccessors(node: CFGNode, visited: Set[CFGNode]): List[BasicBlock]

    Returns all successors BasicBlocks of a CFGNode

  28. def getTACAIAndCallers(method: Method, pcs: PCs)(implicit state: AnalysisState): Option[(TACode[TACMethodParameter, V], Callers)]

    Returns TACode and Callers for a method if available, registering dependencies as necessary.

    Returns TACode and Callers for a method if available, registering dependencies as necessary.

    Definition Classes
  29. def handleEscapeProperty(ep: EOptionP[(Context, DefinitionSite), EscapeProperty])(implicit state: AnalysisState): Boolean

    Handles the influence of an escape property on the field immutability.

    Handles the influence of an escape property on the field immutability.


    true if the object - on which a field write occurred - escapes, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes

    (Re-)Adds dependees as necessary.

  30. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  31. def isAssignable(writeIndex: Int, defaultValues: Set[Any], method: Method, taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V])(implicit state: AnalysisState): Boolean

    Handles the lazy initialization determination for a field write in a given method

    Handles the lazy initialization determination for a field write in a given method


    true if no lazy initialization was recognized

  32. def isFieldValueReturned(write: FieldWriteAccessStmt[V], writeIndex: Int, readIndex: Int, taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V], guardIndexes: List[(Int, Int, Int, Int)])(implicit state: State): Boolean

    Checks that the returned value is definitely read from the field.

  33. def isGuard(ifStmt: If[V], defaultValues: Set[Any], code: Array[Stmt[V]], tacCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V])(implicit state: State): Boolean

    Determines if an if-Statement is actually a guard for the current field, i.e.

    Determines if an if-Statement is actually a guard for the current field, i.e. it compares the current field to the default value.

  34. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. def isReadOfCurrentField(expr: Expr[V], tacCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V], index: Int)(implicit state: State): Boolean

    Checks if an expression is a field read of the currently analyzed field.

    Checks if an expression is a field read of the currently analyzed field. For instance fields, the read must be on the this reference.

  36. def isTransitivePredecessor(possiblePredecessor: CFGNode, node: CFGNode): Boolean

    Determines whether a node is a transitive predecessor of another node.

  37. implicit final def logContext: LogContext
    Definition Classes
  38. def methodUpdatesField(method: Method, taCode: TACode[TACMethodParameter, V], callers: Callers, pcs: PCs)(implicit state: AnalysisState): Boolean

    Analyzes field writes for a single method, returning false if the field may still be effectively final and true otherwise.

    Analyzes field writes for a single method, returning false if the field may still be effectively final and true otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  39. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  40. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  41. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  42. implicit final def p: SomeProject
    Definition Classes
  43. val project: SomeProject
  44. implicit final val propertyStore: PropertyStore
    Definition Classes
  45. final def ps: PropertyStore
    Definition Classes
  46. def referenceHasNotEscaped(ref: V, stmts: Array[Stmt[V]], method: Method, callers: Callers)(implicit state: AnalysisState): Boolean

    Checks whether the object reference of a PutField does not escape (except for being returned).

    Checks whether the object reference of a PutField does not escape (except for being returned).

    Definition Classes
  47. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  48. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  49. final val typeExtensibility: (ObjectType) => Answer
  50. implicit final val typeIterator: TypeIterator
  51. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  52. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
  53. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

Inherited from FPCFAnalysis

Inherited from ProjectBasedAnalysis

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
