
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package org
    Definition Classes
  • package opalj

    OPAL is a Scala-based framework for the static analysis, manipulation and creation of Java bytecode.

    OPAL is a Scala-based framework for the static analysis, manipulation and creation of Java bytecode. OPAL is designed with performance, scalability and adaptability in mind.

    Its main components are:

    • a library (Common) which provides generally useful data-structures and algorithms for static analyses.
    • a framework for implementing lattice based static analyses (Static Analysis Infrastructure)
    • a framework for parsing Java bytecode (Bytecode Infrastructure) that can be used to create arbitrary representations.
    • a library to create a one-to-one in-memory representation of Java bytecode (Bytecode Disassembler).
    • a library to create a representation of Java bytecode that facilitates writing simple static analyses (Bytecode Representation -
    • a scalable, easily customizable framework for the abstract interpretation of Java bytecode (Abstract Interpretation Framework -
    • a library to extract dependencies between code elements and to facilitate checking architecture definitions.
    • a library for the lightweight manipulation and creation of Java bytecode (Bytecode Assembler).

    General Design Decisions

    Thread Safety

    Unless explicitly noted, OPAL is thread safe. I.e., the classes defined by OPAL can be considered to be thread safe unless otherwise stated. (For example, it is possible to read and process class files concurrently without explicit synchronization on the client side.)

    No null Values

    Unless explicitly noted, OPAL does not null values I.e., fields that are accessible will never contain null values and methods will never return null. If a method accepts null as a value for a parameter or returns a null value it is always explicitly documented. In general, the behavior of methods that are passed null values is undefined unless explicitly documented.

    No Typecasts for Collections

    For efficiency reasons, OPAL sometimes uses mutable data-structures internally. After construction time, these data-structures are generally represented using their generic interfaces (e.g., scala.collection.{Set,Map}). However, a downcast (e.g., to add/remove elements) is always forbidden as it would effectively prevent thread-safety.


    OPAL makes heavy use of Scala's Assertion Facility to facilitate writing correct code. Hence, for production builds (after thorough testing(!)) it is highly recommend to build OPAL again using -Xdisable-assertions.

    Definition Classes
  • package ai

    Implementation of an abstract interpretation (ai) framework – also referred to as OPAL.

    Implementation of an abstract interpretation (ai) framework – also referred to as OPAL.

    Please note that OPAL/the abstract interpreter just refers to the classes and traits defined in this package (ai). The classes and traits defined in the sub-packages (in particular in domain) are not considered to be part of the core of OPAL/the abstract interpreter.

    Definition Classes

    This framework assumes that the analyzed bytecode is valid; i.e., the JVM's bytecode verifier would be able to verify the code. Furthermore, load-time errors (e.g., LinkageErrors) are – by default – completely ignored to facilitate the analysis of parts of a project. In general, if the presented bytecode is not valid, the result is undefined (i.e., OPAL may report meaningless results, crash or run indefinitely).

    See also - Implements the abstract interpreter that processes a methods code and uses an analysis-specific domain to perform the abstract computations. - The core interface between the abstract interpretation framework and the abstract domain that is responsible for performing the abstract computations.

  • package fpcf
    Definition Classes
  • package domain
    Definition Classes
  • L1DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUseAndSignatureRefinement
  • MethodCallsDomainWithMethodLockup
  • PrimitiveTACAIDomainWithSignatureRefinement
  • PropertyStoreBased
  • RefinedTypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions
  • RefinedTypeLevelInvokeInstructions


class L1DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUseAndSignatureRefinement[Source] extends DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUse[Source] with RefinedTypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions with RefinedTypeLevelInvokeInstructions

Linear Supertypes
RefinedTypeLevelInvokeInstructions, MethodCallsDomainWithMethodLockup, RefinedTypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions, PropertyStoreBased, DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUse[Source], RefineDefUseUsingOrigins, RecordDefUse, DefaultDomainWithCFG[Source], RecordCFG, DefaultDomain[Source], ConcretePrimitiveValuesConversions, TypeLevelPrimitiveValuesConversions, LongValuesShiftOperators, DefaultLongValues, LongValues, ConcreteLongValues, DefaultIntegerRangeValues, IntegerRangeValues, ConcreteIntegerValues, IntegerRangeValuesFactory, NullPropertyRefinement, MaxArrayLengthRefinement, DefaultArrayValuesBinding, ArrayValues, DefaultClassValuesBinding, ClassValues, DefaultStringValuesBinding, StringValues, PostEvaluationMemoryManagement, DefaultJavaObjectToDomainValueConversion, AsDomainValue, DefaultReferenceValuesBinding, DefaultExceptionsFactory, ReferenceValues, Origin, DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues, TypeLevelReferenceValues, AsJavaObject, GeneralizedArrayHandling, SpecialMethodsHandling, TypeLevelDynamicLoads, TypeLevelInvokeInstructions, MethodCallsHandling, TypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions, DefaultTypeLevelDoubleValues, TypeLevelDoubleValues, DefaultTypeLevelFloatValues, TypeLevelFloatValues, DefaultTypeLevelHandlingOfMethodResults, DefaultTypeLevelHandlingForReturnInstructions, DefaultTypeLevelHandlingOfVoidReturns, DefaultTypeLevelHandlingForThrownExceptions, domain.l0.ReturnInstructionsDomain, MonitorInstructionsTracker, CustomInitialization, IgnoreSynchronization, ThrowAllPotentialExceptionsConfiguration, DefaultSpecialDomainValuesBinding, TheMethod, TheCode, TheProject, LogContextProvider, ThePropertyStore, CorrelationalDomain, CorrelationalDomainSupport, IdentityBasedCorrelationChangeDetection, JoinStabilization, Domain, Configuration, TypedValuesFactory, PrimitiveValuesConversionsDomain, DynamicLoadsDomain, ReturnInstructionsDomain, MonitorInstructionsDomain, MethodCallsDomain, FieldAccessesDomain, ReferenceValuesDomain, ReferenceValuesFactory, ExceptionsFactory, DoubleValuesDomain, DoubleValuesFactory, FloatValuesDomain, FloatValuesFactory, LongValuesDomain, LongValuesFactory, IntegerValuesDomain, IntegerValuesFactory, CoreDomainFunctionality, SubroutinesDomain, ValuesDomain, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. L1DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUseAndSignatureRefinement
  2. RefinedTypeLevelInvokeInstructions
  3. MethodCallsDomainWithMethodLockup
  4. RefinedTypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions
  5. PropertyStoreBased
  6. DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUse
  7. RefineDefUseUsingOrigins
  8. RecordDefUse
  9. DefaultDomainWithCFG
  10. RecordCFG
  11. DefaultDomain
  12. ConcretePrimitiveValuesConversions
  13. TypeLevelPrimitiveValuesConversions
  14. LongValuesShiftOperators
  15. DefaultLongValues
  16. LongValues
  17. ConcreteLongValues
  18. DefaultIntegerRangeValues
  19. IntegerRangeValues
  20. ConcreteIntegerValues
  21. IntegerRangeValuesFactory
  22. NullPropertyRefinement
  23. MaxArrayLengthRefinement
  24. DefaultArrayValuesBinding
  25. ArrayValues
  26. DefaultClassValuesBinding
  27. ClassValues
  28. DefaultStringValuesBinding
  29. StringValues
  30. PostEvaluationMemoryManagement
  31. DefaultJavaObjectToDomainValueConversion
  32. AsDomainValue
  33. DefaultReferenceValuesBinding
  34. DefaultExceptionsFactory
  35. ReferenceValues
  36. Origin
  37. DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues
  38. TypeLevelReferenceValues
  39. AsJavaObject
  40. GeneralizedArrayHandling
  41. SpecialMethodsHandling
  42. TypeLevelDynamicLoads
  43. TypeLevelInvokeInstructions
  44. MethodCallsHandling
  45. TypeLevelFieldAccessInstructions
  46. DefaultTypeLevelDoubleValues
  47. TypeLevelDoubleValues
  48. DefaultTypeLevelFloatValues
  49. TypeLevelFloatValues
  50. DefaultTypeLevelHandlingOfMethodResults
  51. DefaultTypeLevelHandlingForReturnInstructions
  52. DefaultTypeLevelHandlingOfVoidReturns
  53. DefaultTypeLevelHandlingForThrownExceptions
  54. ReturnInstructionsDomain
  55. MonitorInstructionsTracker
  56. CustomInitialization
  57. IgnoreSynchronization
  58. ThrowAllPotentialExceptionsConfiguration
  59. DefaultSpecialDomainValuesBinding
  60. TheMethod
  61. TheCode
  62. TheProject
  63. LogContextProvider
  64. ThePropertyStore
  65. CorrelationalDomain
  66. CorrelationalDomainSupport
  67. IdentityBasedCorrelationChangeDetection
  68. JoinStabilization
  69. Domain
  70. Configuration
  71. TypedValuesFactory
  72. PrimitiveValuesConversionsDomain
  73. DynamicLoadsDomain
  74. ReturnInstructionsDomain
  75. MonitorInstructionsDomain
  76. MethodCallsDomain
  77. FieldAccessesDomain
  78. ReferenceValuesDomain
  79. ReferenceValuesFactory
  80. ExceptionsFactory
  81. DoubleValuesDomain
  82. DoubleValuesFactory
  83. FloatValuesDomain
  84. FloatValuesFactory
  85. LongValuesDomain
  86. LongValuesFactory
  87. IntegerValuesDomain
  88. IntegerValuesFactory
  89. CoreDomainFunctionality
  90. SubroutinesDomain
  91. ValuesDomain
  92. AnyRef
  93. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new L1DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUseAndSignatureRefinement(project: Project[Source], method: Method, dependees: EOptionPSet[Entity, Property] = EOptionPSet.empty)

Type Members

  1. class IllegalValue extends Value with IsIllegalValue

    Represents a value that has no well defined state/type.

    Represents a value that has no well defined state/type. Such values are either the result of a join of two incompatible values or if the variable was identified as being dead. IllegalValue's are only found in registers (in the locals).

    Definition Classes
    See also for further details.

  2. trait RETValue extends Value with IsReturnAddressValue
    Definition Classes
  3. trait ReferenceValue extends TypedValue[ReferenceType] with IsReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  4. class ReturnAddressValue extends RETValue

    Stores a single return address (i.e., a program counter/index into the code array).

    Stores a single return address (i.e., a program counter/index into the code array).

    Definition Classes

    Though the framework completely handles all aspects related to return address values, it is nevertheless necessary that this class inherits from Value as return addresses are stored on the stack/in the registers. However, if the Value trait should be refined, all additional methods may – from the point-of-view of OPAL-AI – just throw an UnsupportedOperationException as these additional methods will never be called by the OPAL-AI.

  5. class ReturnAddressValues extends RETValue

    A collection of (not further stored) return address values.

    A collection of (not further stored) return address values. Primarily used when we join the executions of subroutines.

    Definition Classes
  6. trait TypedValue[+T <: Type] extends Value with KnownTypedValue
    Definition Classes
  7. trait Value extends ValueInformation

    Abstracts over a concrete operand stack value or a value stored in one of the local variables/registers.

    Abstracts over a concrete operand stack value or a value stored in one of the local variables/registers.

    Use Of Value/Dependencies On Value

    In general, subclasses and users of a Domain should not have/declare a direct dependency on Value. Instead they should use DomainValue as otherwise extensibility of a Domain may be hampered or even be impossible. The only exceptions are, of course, classes that directly inherit from this class.

    Refining Value

    If you directly extend/refine this trait (i.e., in a subclass of the Domain trait you write something like trait Value extends super.Value), make sure that you also extend all classes/traits that inherit from this type (this may require a deep mixin composition and that you refine the type DomainType accordingly). However, OPAL was designed such that extending this class should – in general – not be necessary. It may also be easier to encode the desired semantics – as far as possible – as part of the domain.

    Implementing Value

    Standard inheritance from this trait is always supported and is the primary mechanism to model an abstract domain's lattice w.r.t. some special type of value. In general, the implementation should try to avoid creating new instances of values unless strictly required to model the domain's semantics. This will greatly improve the overall performance as this framework heavily uses reference-based equality checks to speed up the evaluation.

    Definition Classes

    OPAL does not rely on any special equality semantics w.r.t. values and never directly or indirectly calls a Value's equals method. Hence, a domain can encode equality such that it best fits its need. However, some of the provided domains rely on the following semantics for equals: Two domain values have to be equal (==) iff they represent the same information. This includes additional information, such as, the value of the origin. E.g., a value (AnIntegerValue) that represents an arbitrary Integer value has to return true if the domain value with which it is compared also represents an arbitrary Integer value (AnIntegerValue). However, it may still be necessary to use multiple objects to represent an arbitrary integer value if, e.g., constraints should be attached to specific values. For example, after a comparison of an integer value with a predefined value (e.g., AnIntegerValue < 4) it is possible to constrain the respective value on the subsequent paths (< 4 on one path and >= 4 on the other path). To make that possible, it is however necessary to distinguish the AnIntegervalue from some other AnIntegerValue to avoid constraining unrelated values.

    public void foo(int a,int b) {
        if(a < 4) {
            z = a - 2 // here a is constrained (< 4), b and z are unconstrained
        else {
            z = a + 2 // here a is constrained (>= 4), b and z are unconstrained

    In general, equals is only defined for values belonging to the same domain. If values need to be compared across domains, they need to be adapted to a target domain first.

  8. class ANullValue extends (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#NullValueLike
    Definition Classes
  9. trait AnArrayValue extends (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayValueLike with IsSArrayValue with (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#SReferenceValue[ArrayType]
    Definition Classes
  10. trait AnObjectValue extends (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValueLike
    Definition Classes
  11. trait MObjectValueLike extends (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#AnObjectValue with IsMObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  12. trait SObjectValueLike extends (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#AnObjectValue with (DefaultTypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#SReferenceValue[ObjectType] with IsSObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  13. trait DoubleValue extends (TypeLevelDoubleValues.this)#TypedValue[DoubleType] with IsDoubleValue

    Abstracts over double values at the type level.

    Abstracts over double values at the type level.

    Definition Classes
  14. trait FloatValue extends (TypeLevelFloatValues.this)#TypedValue[FloatType] with IsFloatValue

    Abstracts over all values with computational type float.

    Abstracts over all values with computational type float.

    Definition Classes
  15. trait ArrayAbstraction extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  16. trait ArrayValueLike extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValueLike with IsSArrayValue

    Represents an array value.

    Represents an array value.

    Definition Classes
  17. trait NullValueLike extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValueLike with IsNullValue

    Represents the runtime value null.

    Represents the runtime value null. Null values are basically found in the following two cases:

    1. The value null was pushed onto the stack using aconst_null.
    2. A reference value that is not guaranteed to be non-null is tested against null using ifnull or ifnonnull and we are now on the branch where the value has to be null.

    Depending on the precision of the domain null values may also be returned by method calls or field reads.

    Definition Classes
  18. trait ObjectValueLike extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValueLike

    Represents a class/interface value which may have a single class and/or multiple interfaces as its upper type bound.

    Represents a class/interface value which may have a single class and/or multiple interfaces as its upper type bound.

    Definition Classes
  19. trait ReferenceValueLike extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue with (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayAbstraction

    Abstracts over all values with computational type reference.

    Abstracts over all values with computational type reference. I.e., abstracts over class and array values and also the null value.

    Definition Classes
  20. trait SReferenceValue[T <: ReferenceType] extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValueLike with IsSReferenceValue[T]

    A reference value with a single (upper) type (bound).

    A reference value with a single (upper) type (bound).

    Definition Classes
  21. trait InitializedArrayValue extends (ArrayValues.this)#ArrayValue

    Represents some (multi-dimensional) array where the (initialized) dimensions have the given size.

    Represents some (multi-dimensional) array where the (initialized) dimensions have the given size.

    Definition Classes
  22. trait ClassValue extends (ClassValues.this)#SObjectValue with IsClassValue

    All values (Class<...> c) that represent the same type (e.g.

    All values (Class<...> c) that represent the same type (e.g. java.lang.String) are actually represented by the same class (object) value at runtime.

    Definition Classes
  23. case class DefaultClassValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Type, refId: (DefaultClassValuesBinding.this)#RefId) extends (DefaultClassValuesBinding.this)#ClassValue with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  24. class AnIntegerValue extends (DefaultIntegerRangeValues.this)#AnIntegerValueLike

    Represents a specific but unknown Integer value.

    Represents a specific but unknown Integer value.

    Definition Classes

    The functionality to propagate a constraint crucially depends on the fact that two integer values that are not guaranteed to represent the same runtime value are represented by two different instances of "AnIntegerValue"; otherwise, propagating the constraint that some value (after some kind of check) has to have a special value may affect unrelated values!

  25. class IntegerRange extends (DefaultIntegerRangeValues.this)#IntegerRangeLike

    Represents a specific integer value in the range [lowerBound,upperBound].

    Represents a specific integer value in the range [lowerBound,upperBound].

    Definition Classes
  26. class ConcreteLongValue extends (DefaultLongValues.this)#TheLongValue

    Represents a concrete long value.

    Represents a concrete long value.

    Definition Classes
  27. case class DefaultMObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, upperTypeBound: UIDSet[ObjectType], refId: (DefaultReferenceValuesBinding.this)#RefId) extends (DefaultReferenceValuesBinding.this)#MObjectValue with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  28. case class DefaultSObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ObjectType, refId: (DefaultReferenceValuesBinding.this)#RefId) extends (DefaultReferenceValuesBinding.this)#SObjectValue with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  29. case class DefaultStringValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: String, refId: (DefaultStringValuesBinding.this)#RefId) extends (DefaultStringValuesBinding.this)#StringValue with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  30. trait AnIntegerValueLike extends (IntegerRangeValues.this)#IntegerLikeValue

    Represents an (unknown) integer value.

    Represents an (unknown) integer value.

    Models the top value of this domain's lattice.

    Definition Classes
  31. sealed trait IntegerLikeValue extends (IntegerRangeValues.this)#TypedValue[CTIntType] with IsIntegerValue

    Abstracts over all values with computational type integer.

    Abstracts over all values with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  32. abstract class IntegerRangeLike extends (IntegerRangeValues.this)#IntegerLikeValue

    Represents a range of integer values.

    Represents a range of integer values. The range's bounds are inclusive. Unless a range has only one value it is impossible to tell whether or not a value that is in the range will potentially occur at runtime.

    Definition Classes
  33. trait ALongValue extends (LongValues.this)#LongValue

    Represents an (unknown) long value.

    Represents an (unknown) long value.

    Models the top value of this domain's lattice.

    Definition Classes
  34. sealed trait LongValue extends (LongValues.this)#TypedValue[LongType] with IsLongValue

    Abstracts over all values with computational type long.

    Abstracts over all values with computational type long.

    Definition Classes
  35. trait TheLongValue extends (LongValues.this)#LongValue

    Represents one concrete long value.

    Represents one concrete long value.

    Definition Classes
  36. trait ArrayValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#AnArrayValue with (ReferenceValues.this)#NonNullSingleOriginSReferenceValue[ArrayType]
    Definition Classes
  37. trait MObjectValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#MObjectValueLike with (ReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  38. class MultipleReferenceValues extends IsMultipleReferenceValue with (ReferenceValues.this)#TheReferenceValue with MultipleOriginsValue

    A MultipleReferenceValues tracks multiple reference values (of type NullValue, ArrayValue, SObjectValue and MObjectValue) that have different origins.

    A MultipleReferenceValues tracks multiple reference values (of type NullValue, ArrayValue, SObjectValue and MObjectValue) that have different origins. I.e., per value origin one domain value is used to abstract over the properties of that respective value.

    Definition Classes
  39. trait NonNullSingleOriginReferenceValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#SingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  40. trait NonNullSingleOriginSReferenceValue[T <: ReferenceType] extends (ReferenceValues.this)#NonNullSingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  41. class NullValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#ANullValue with (ReferenceValues.this)#SingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  42. trait ObjectValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#AnObjectValue with (ReferenceValues.this)#NonNullSingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  43. trait SObjectValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#SObjectValueLike with (ReferenceValues.this)#NonNullSingleOriginSReferenceValue[ObjectType] with (ReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  44. trait SingleOriginReferenceValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#TheReferenceValue with SingleOriginValue with UID

    Represents all DomainReferenceValues that represent a reference value where – in the current analysis context – the value has a single origin.

    Represents all DomainReferenceValues that represent a reference value where – in the current analysis context – the value has a single origin.

    Definition Classes

    To make it possible to store SingleOriginReferenceValues in UIDSets - which in particular provide fast filter and tail methods compared to the standard sets - the UID trait is implemented.

  45. trait TheReferenceValue extends (ReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValueLike

    Representation of some reference value; this includes Object, Array and Null values.

    Representation of some reference value; this includes Object, Array and Null values.

    This trait defines the additional methods needed for the refinement of the new properties.

    Definition Classes
  46. trait StringValue extends (StringValues.this)#SObjectValue with IsStringValue
    Definition Classes
  47. type AReferenceValue = TheReferenceValue
  48. type ArrayLoadResult = Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValues]

    Computation that returns the value stored in an array at a given index or an exception.

    Computation that returns the value stored in an array at a given index or an exception. The exceptions that may be thrown are: NullPointerException and ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

    Definition Classes
  49. type ArrayStoreResult = Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValues]

    Computation that succeeds (updates the value stored in the array at the given index) or that throws an exception.

    Computation that succeeds (updates the value stored in the array at the given index) or that throws an exception. The exceptions that may be thrown are: NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and ArrayStoreException.

    Definition Classes
  50. type DomainArrayValue = ArrayValue
  51. type DomainClassValue = ClassValue
  52. final type DomainIllegalValue = IllegalValue

    Abstracts over the concrete type of IllegalValue.

    Abstracts over the concrete type of IllegalValue.

    This type needs to be refined whenever the class IllegalValue is refined or the type DomainValue is refined.

    Definition Classes
  53. type DomainInitializedArrayValue = InitializedArrayValue
  54. type DomainMultipleReferenceValues = MultipleReferenceValues
  55. type DomainNullValue = NullValue
  56. type DomainObjectValue = ObjectValue
  57. type DomainReferenceValue = TheReferenceValue
  58. final type DomainReturnAddressValue = ReturnAddressValue

    Abstracts over the concrete type of ReturnAddressValue.

    Abstracts over the concrete type of ReturnAddressValue. Needs to be fixed by some sub-trait/sub-class. In the simplest case (i.e., when neither the Value trait nor the ReturnAddressValue trait was refined) it is sufficient to write:

    type DomainReturnAddressValue = ReturnAddressValue
    Definition Classes
  59. final type DomainReturnAddressValues = ReturnAddressValues
  60. type DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue = SingleOriginReferenceValue
  61. type DomainStringValue = StringValue
  62. final type DomainTypedValue[+T <: Type] = TypedValue[T]
  63. final type DomainValue = Value

    Abstracts over the concrete type of Value.

    Abstracts over the concrete type of Value. Needs to be refined by traits that inherit from Domain and which extend Domain's Value trait.

    Definition Classes
  64. type ExceptionValue = DomainReferenceValue

    A simple type alias of the type DomainValue; used to facilitate comprehension.

    A simple type alias of the type DomainValue; used to facilitate comprehension.

    Definition Classes
  65. type ExceptionValues = Iterable[ExceptionValue]

    A type alias for Iterables of ExceptionValues; used to facilitate comprehension.

    A type alias for Iterables of ExceptionValues; used to facilitate comprehension.

    Definition Classes
  66. type IntegerValueOrArithmeticException = Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]

    Computation that returns a numeric value or an ObjectType.ArithmeticException.

    Computation that returns a numeric value or an ObjectType.ArithmeticException.

    Definition Classes
  67. type Locals = collection.mutable.Locals[DomainValue]

    An instruction's current register values/locals are represented using an array.

    An instruction's current register values/locals are represented using an array.

    Definition Classes
  68. type LocalsArray = Array[Locals]
    Definition Classes
  69. type LongValueOrArithmeticException = Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]
    Definition Classes
  70. type MethodCallResult = Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValues]
    Definition Classes
  71. type Operands = List[DomainValue]

    An instruction's operands are represented using a list where the first element of the list represents the top level operand stack value.

    An instruction's operands are represented using a list where the first element of the list represents the top level operand stack value.

    Definition Classes
  72. type OperandsArray = Array[Operands]
    Definition Classes
  73. type RefId = Int

    Two domain values that have the same refid are guaranteed to refer to the same object at runtime (must-alias).

    Two domain values that have the same refid are guaranteed to refer to the same object at runtime (must-alias).

    The refid enables us to distinguish two values created/returned by the same instruction but at a different point in time (recall, both values have the same origin). Such values may or may not be different; i.e., those values may or may not refer to the same object on the heap/stack.

    RefIds are required to determine changes in the memory layout. I.e., to determine if two values created by the same instruction are aliases or "just" maybe aliases. This information is particularly relevant if two values - stored in registers - are no longer guaranteed to be aliases!

    Definition Classes
  74. type Refinements = IdentityHashMap[AReferenceValue, AReferenceValue]

    A map that contains the refined values (the map's values) of some old values (the map's keys).

    A map that contains the refined values (the map's values) of some old values (the map's keys).

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. object ConcreteIntegerValue
    Definition Classes
  2. object ConcreteLongValue
    Definition Classes
  3. implicit object SingleOriginValueOrdering extends Ordering[SingleOriginValue]
    Definition Classes
  4. case object ADoubleValue extends (DefaultTypeLevelDoubleValues.this)#DoubleValue with Product with Serializable

    Represents an unknown double value.

    Represents an unknown double value.

    Definition Classes
  5. case object AFloatValue extends (DefaultTypeLevelFloatValues.this)#FloatValue with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  6. object AnArrayValue

    Enables matching of DomainValues that are array values.

    Enables matching of DomainValues that are array values.

    Definition Classes
  7. object MObjectValueLike
  8. object SObjectValueLike
  9. object IsNull
    Definition Classes
  10. object IsPrecise
    Definition Classes
  11. object UpperTypeBound
    Definition Classes
  12. object ClassValue
    Definition Classes
  13. case object ALongValue extends (DefaultLongValues.this)#ALongValue with Product with Serializable

    Represents an unspecific, unknown long value.

    Represents an unspecific, unknown long value.

    Definition Classes
  14. object IntegerRangeLike

    Extractor for IntegerRange values.

    Extractor for IntegerRange values.

    Definition Classes
  15. object TheLongValue
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit object DomainSingleOriginReferenceValueOrdering extends Ordering[(ReferenceValues.this)#DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue]

    Defines a total order on reference values with a single origin by subtracting both origins.

    Defines a total order on reference values with a single origin by subtracting both origins.

    Definition Classes
  17. object MultipleReferenceValues
    Definition Classes
  18. object StringValue
    Definition Classes
  19. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  22. final val AReferenceValueTag: ClassTag[AReferenceValue]
  23. def AnIntegerValue(): AnIntegerValue

    Factory method to create a new instance of AnIntegerValue.

    Factory method to create a new instance of AnIntegerValue.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def ArithmeticException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArithmeticException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArithmeticException and that has the given origin. If the ArithmeticException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  25. final def ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and that has the given origin. If the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  26. final def ArrayStoreException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArrayStoreException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ArrayStoreException and that has the given origin. If the ArrayStoreException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  27. def ArrayValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ArrayType, t: RefId): DomainArrayValue
    Definition Classes
  28. def ArrayValue(pc: Int, arrayType: ArrayType): DomainArrayValue

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents an array value with unknown values and where the specified type may also just be an upper type bound (unless the component type is a primitive type or an array of primitives.)

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents an array value with unknown values and where the specified type may also just be an upper type bound (unless the component type is a primitive type or an array of primitives.)

    Typical Usage

    This factory method is (typically) used to create a domain value that represents an array if we know nothing specific about the array. E.g., if you want to analyze a method that takes an array as a parameter.


    The properties of the value are:

    • Type: Upper Bound (unless the elementType is a base type)
    • Null: Unknown
    • Size: Unknown
    • Content: Unknown
    Definition Classes

    Java's arrays are co-variant. I.e., Object[] a = new Serializable[100]; is valid.

  29. def BooleanValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Boolean): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a representation of a boolean value with the given initial value and origin.

    Factory method to create a representation of a boolean value with the given initial value and origin.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  30. def BooleanValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a representation of a boolean value if we know the origin of the value.

    Factory method to create a representation of a boolean value if we know the origin of the value.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  31. def ByteValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Byte): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given byte value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given byte value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  32. def ByteValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  33. def CharValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Char): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given char value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given char value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Definition Classes
  34. def CharValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  35. final def ClassCastException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ClassCastException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a ClassCastException and that has the given origin. If the ClassCastException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  36. final def ClassNotFoundException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue
  37. def ClassValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Type, refId: RefId): DomainClassValue
    Definition Classes
  38. def ClassValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Type): DomainClassValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents a runtime value of type "Class<T>" and that was created by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents a runtime value of type "Class<T>" and that was created by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    This function is called by OPAL when a class constant (LDC(_W) instruction) is put on the stack.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (vo).


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes and the type represented by the class is the given type.
    • Type: java.lang.Class<t:Type>
    • Null: No
    Definition Classes
  39. final def ConstantFieldValue(pc: Int, cv: ConstantFieldValue[_]): DomainValue

    Creates the domain value that represents the constant field value.

    Creates the domain value that represents the constant field value.

    Definition Classes
  40. final def DefaultValue(origin: ValueOrigin, theType: FieldType): DomainValue

    Creates a DomainValue that represents a value with the given type and which is initialized using the JVM's default value for that type.

    Creates a DomainValue that represents a value with the given type and which is initialized using the JVM's default value for that type. E.g., for IntegerValues the value is set to 0. In case of a ReferenceType the value is the ReferenceValuesFactory#NullValue.

    Definition Classes
  41. final val DomainArrayValueTag: ClassTag[DomainArrayValue]
  42. val DomainClassValueTag: ClassTag[DomainClassValue]
  43. final val DomainInitializedArrayValueTag: ClassTag[DomainInitializedArrayValue]
  44. final val DomainMultipleReferenceValuesTag: ClassTag[DomainMultipleReferenceValues]
  45. final val DomainNullValueTag: ClassTag[DomainNullValue]
  46. final val DomainObjectValueTag: ClassTag[DomainObjectValue]
  47. final val DomainReferenceValueTag: ClassTag[DomainReferenceValue]

    The class tag can be used to create type safe arrays or to extract the concrete type of the domain value.

    The class tag can be used to create type safe arrays or to extract the concrete type of the domain value.

    val DomainReferenceValue(v) = value // of type "DomainValue"
    // v is now of the type DomainReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  48. final val DomainSingleOriginReferenceValueTag: ClassTag[DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue]
  49. final val DomainStringValueTag: ClassTag[DomainStringValue]
  50. final val DomainValueTag: ClassTag[DomainValue]

    The class tag for the type DomainValue.

    The class tag for the type DomainValue.

    Required to generate instances of arrays in which values of type DomainValue can be stored in a type-safe manner.


    In the sub-trait or class that fixes the type of DomainValue it is necessary to implement this abstract val using:

    val DomainValueTag : ClassTag[DomainValue] = implicitly

    (As of Scala 2.10 it is necessary that you do not use implicit in the subclass - it will compile, but fail at runtime.)

    Definition Classes
  51. final def DoubleValue(valueOrigin: Int, value: Double): DoubleValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given double value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given double value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (vo).

    Definition Classes
  52. final def DoubleValue(valueOrigin: Int): DoubleValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter, but where we have no knowledge about the precise value.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter, but where we have no knowledge about the precise value.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (vo).

    Definition Classes
  53. def FloatValue(valueOrigin: Int, value: Float): FloatValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue with the specified origin.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue with the specified origin. The origin is typically the program counter of the instruction that created this value/where the value was observed for the first time.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  54. def FloatValue(valueOrigin: Int): FloatValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue with the specified origin.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue with the specified origin. The origin is typically the program counter of the instruction that created this value/where the value was observed for the first time.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  55. final def IllegalMonitorStateException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent an IllegalMonitorStateException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent an IllegalMonitorStateException and that has the given origin. If the IllegalMonitorStateException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you should use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  56. def InitializedArrayValue(origin: ValueOrigin, arrayType: ArrayType, counts: Int, refId: RefId): DomainInitializedArrayValue
  57. final def InitializedArrayValue(origin: ValueOrigin, theType: ArrayType, length: Int): DomainArrayValue
    Definition Classes
  58. def InitializedDomainValue(origin: ValueOrigin, vi: ValueInformation): DomainValue

    Creates a domain value from the given value information that represents a properly domain value.

    Creates a domain value from the given value information that represents a properly domain value. A representation of a proper value is created even if the value information is provided for an uninitialized value.

    Definition Classes

    This function is only defined for proper values, i.e., it is not defined for void values or illegal values.


    This method is intended to be overwritten by concrete domains which can represent more information.

  59. def InitializedObjectValue(pc: Int, objectType: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents an initialized reference value of the given type and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents an initialized reference value of the given type and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    General Remarks

    The given type usually identifies a class type (not an interface type) that is not abstract, but in some cases (e.g. consider java.awt.Toolkit()) it may be useful/meaningful to relax this requirement and to state that the class precisely represents the runtime type – even so the class is abstract. However, such decisions need to be made by the domain.

    This method is used by the OPAL framework to create reference values that are normally internally created by the JVM (in particular exceptions such as NullPointerException and ClassCastException). However, it can generally be used to create initialized objects/arrays.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes
    • Type: precise (i.e., this type is not an upper bound, the type correctly models the runtime type.)
    • Null: No (This value is not null.)
    Definition Classes
  60. final def IntegerConstant0: DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a representation of the integer constant value 0.

    Factory method to create a representation of the integer constant value 0.

    OPAL in particular uses this special value for performing subsequent computations against the fixed value 0 (e.g., for if_XX instructions).

    (The origin (ValueOrigin) that is used is the ConstantValueOrigin to signify that this value was not created by the program.)

    The domain may ignore the information about the value.

    Definition Classes
  61. final def IntegerRange(lb: Int, ub: Int): IntegerRange

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the given bounds.

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the given bounds.

    Definition Classes
  62. final def IntegerRange(origin: ValueOrigin, lowerBound: Int, upperBound: Int): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the given bounds.

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the given bounds.

    Definition Classes
  63. def IntegerRange(value: Int): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the lower and upper bound set to the given value.

    Creates a new IntegerRange value with the lower and upper bound set to the given value.

    Definition Classes
  64. def IntegerValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Int): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given integer value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given integer value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  65. def IntegerValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  66. def LongValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Long): ConcreteLongValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given long value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given long value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (vo).

    Definition Classes
  67. def LongValue(origin: ValueOrigin): ALongValue.type

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (vo).

    Definition Classes
  68. final val MetaInformationUpdateIllegalValue: MetaInformationUpdate[DomainIllegalValue]

    The result of the merge of two incompatible values has to be reported as a MetaInformationUpdate[DomainIllegalValue].

    The result of the merge of two incompatible values has to be reported as a MetaInformationUpdate[DomainIllegalValue].

    Definition Classes
  69. def MethodCallResult(potentialExceptions: Iterable[ExceptionValue]): MethodCallResult

    Factory method called to create a MethodCallResult.

    Factory method called to create a MethodCallResult.

    Definition Classes
  70. def MethodCallResult(returnValue: DomainValue, exceptions: Iterable[ExceptionValue]): MethodCallResult

    Factory method called to create a MethodCallResult.

    Factory method called to create a MethodCallResult.

    Definition Classes
  71. final def MethodExternalNullPointerException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  72. def MethodHandle(origin: ValueOrigin, handle: MethodHandle): DomainReferenceValue

    Called by the AI framework for each load constant method handle ( instruction to get a representation of/a DomainValue that represents the handle.

    Called by the AI framework for each load constant method handle ( instruction to get a representation of/a DomainValue that represents the handle.


    A valid method handle.


    An InitializedObjectValue(ObjectType.MethodHandle). Hence, this method needs to be overridden if resolution of MethodHandle based method calls should be performed.

    Definition Classes
  73. def MethodType(origin: ValueOrigin, descriptor: MethodDescriptor): DomainReferenceValue

    Called by the framework for each load constant method type ( instruction to get a domain-specific representation of the method descriptor as a MethodType.

    Called by the framework for each load constant method type ( instruction to get a domain-specific representation of the method descriptor as a MethodType.


    A valid method descriptor.


    An InitializedObjectValue(ObjectType.MethodType). Hence, this method needs to be overridden if resolution of MethodType based method calls should be performed.

    Definition Classes
  74. def MultipleReferenceValues(values: UIDSet[DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue], origins: ValueOrigins, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: UIDSet[_ <: ReferenceType], refId: RefId): DomainMultipleReferenceValues
    Definition Classes
  75. def MultipleReferenceValues(values: UIDSet[DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue]): DomainMultipleReferenceValues
    Definition Classes
  76. final def NegativeArraySizeException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a NegativeArraySizeException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a NegativeArraySizeException and that has the given origin. If the NegativeArraySizeException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  77. def NewArray(pc: Int, lengths: Operands, arrayType: ArrayType): DomainArrayValue

    The lengths per dimension are found in the following order: ..., count1, [count2, ...] ->

    The lengths per dimension are found in the following order: ..., count1, [count2, ...] ->

    Definition Classes
  78. def NewArray(pc: Int, length: DomainValue, arrayType: ArrayType): DomainArrayValue

    Factory method to create a new domain value that represents a newly created array (non-null) with the size determined by count that is empty.

    Factory method to create a new domain value that represents a newly created array (non-null) with the size determined by count that is empty.

    Typical Usage

    This factory method is (implicitly) used, e.g., by OPAL when a newarray instruction is found.


    The properties of the value are:

    • Type: Precise
    • Null: No
    • Size: Count
    • Content: Symbol("Empty")' (i.e., default values w.r.t. to the array's component type)
    Definition Classes
  79. def NewObject(origin: ValueOrigin, objectType: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents a new, uninitialized instance of an object of the given type.

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents a new, uninitialized instance of an object of the given type. The object was created by the (NEW) instruction with the specified program counter.

    OPAL calls this method when it evaluates newobject instructions. If the bytecode is valid a call of one of the (super) object's constructors will subsequently initialize the object.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: no (only the memory is allocated for the object)
    • Type: precise (i.e., this type is not an upper bound, the type correctly models the runtime type.)
    • Null: no (This value is not null.)
    Definition Classes

    Instances of arrays are created by the newarray and multianewarray instructions and in both cases an exception may be thrown (e.g., NegativeArraySizeException).

  80. def NonNullObjectValue(pc: Int, objectType: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue

    Represents a non-null reference value with the given type as an upper type bound.

    Represents a non-null reference value with the given type as an upper type bound.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (vo).


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes (the constructor was called)
    • Type: Upper Bound
    • Null: No (This value is not null.)
    Definition Classes
  81. final def NullPointerException(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a NullPointerException and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a NullPointerException and that has the given origin. If the NullPointerException was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you should use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  82. def NullValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainNullValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents value null and and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents value null and and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (pc).


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: N/A
    • Type: Null
    • Null: Yes
    Definition Classes
  83. def ObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, upperTypeBound: UIDSet[ObjectType], refId: RefId): DomainObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  84. def ObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ObjectType, refId: RefId): SObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  85. def ObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  86. def ObjectValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, upperTypeBound: UIDSet[ObjectType]): DomainObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  87. def ObjectValue(pc: Int, upperTypeBound: UIDSet[ObjectType]): DomainObjectValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either an class-/interface value that has the given types as an upper bound or the value null.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either an class-/interface value that has the given types as an upper bound or the value null. However, the information whether the value is null or not is not available. Furthermore, the type may also just be an upper bound and it is not known if the value is properly initialized.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes (An Object with multiple bounds can only exist due to a merge, in this case, the objects must have been initialized beforehand or the value is not used at all and actually represents a dead variable.)
    • Type: Upper Bound
    • Null: Unknown
    • Content: Unknown
    Definition Classes
  88. def ObjectValue(pc: Int, objectType: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either an class-/interface value that has the given type or the value null.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either an class-/interface value that has the given type or the value null. However, the information whether the value is null or not is not available. Furthermore, the type may also just be an upper bound and it is not known if the value is properly initialized.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Unknown (I.e., it is not guaranteed that the constructor was called; unless NewObject was overridden and returns DomainValues that are distinguishable!)
    • Type: Upper Bound
    • Null: Unknown
    • Content: Unknown
    Definition Classes
  89. final def RefIdUpdate[T](value: T): MetaInformationUpdate[T]

    Creates an update object that characterizes a reference id update.

    Creates an update object that characterizes a reference id update.

    Basically, just a wrapper for a MetaInformationUpdate; the purpose is to better communicate the underlying purpose.

    Definition Classes
  90. final def ReferenceValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, upperTypeBound: UIDSet[_ <: ReferenceType], refId: RefId): DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  91. final def ReferenceValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ReferenceType): DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  92. def ReferenceValue(origin: ValueOrigin, isNull: Answer, isPrecise: Boolean, theUpperTypeBound: ReferenceType, refId: RefId): DomainSingleOriginReferenceValue
    Definition Classes
  93. final def ReferenceValue(pc: Int, upperTypeBound: ReferenceType): AReferenceValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either a reference value that has the given type and is initialized or the value null.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents either a reference value that has the given type and is initialized or the value null. However, the information whether the value is null or not is not available. Furthermore, the type may also just be an upper bound.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin, but it has to remain possible for the domain to identify the component type of an array.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes (if non-null the constructor was called/the array was initialized)
    • Type: Upper Bound
    • Null: Unknown
    • Content: Unknown
    Definition Classes
  94. final def ReturnAddressValue(address: Int): ReturnAddressValue

    Factory method to create an instance of a ReturnAddressValue.

    Factory method to create an instance of a ReturnAddressValue.

    Definition Classes
  95. def ShortValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: Short): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given short value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given short value and that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Definition Classes
  96. def ShortValue(origin: ValueOrigin): DomainTypedValue[CTIntType]

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that was created (explicitly or implicitly) by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    The domain may ignore the information about the origin (origin).

    Definition Classes
  97. def StringValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: String, refId: RefId): DomainStringValue
  98. final def StringValue(origin: ValueOrigin, value: String): DomainObjectValue

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given string value and that was created by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    Factory method to create a DomainValue that represents the given string value and that was created by the instruction with the specified program counter.

    This function is called by OPAL-AI when a string constant (LDC(_W) instruction) is put on the stack.

    The domain may ignore the information about the value and the origin (vo).


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: Yes and the String's value is the given value. The string may be empty (""), but it is never null.
    • Type: java.lang.String
    • Null: No

    A non-null string. (The string may be empty, though.)

    Definition Classes
  99. final def StructuralUpdateIllegalValue: StructuralUpdate[Nothing]

    The result of merging two values should never be reported as a StructuralUpdate if the computed value is an IllegalValue.

    The result of merging two values should never be reported as a StructuralUpdate if the computed value is an IllegalValue. The JVM semantics guarantee that the value will not be used and, hence, continuing the interpretation is meaningless.

    Definition Classes

    This method is solely defined for documentation purposes and to catch implementation errors early on.

  100. final val TheIllegalValue: DomainIllegalValue

    The singleton instance of the IllegalValue.

    The singleton instance of the IllegalValue.

    Definition Classes
  101. final val TheReturnAddressValues: ReturnAddressValues

    The singleton instance of ReturnAddressValues

    The singleton instance of ReturnAddressValues

    Definition Classes
  102. final def Throwable(origin: ValueOrigin): ExceptionValue

    Creates a non-null object that represent a Throwable object and that has the given origin.

    Creates a non-null object that represent a Throwable object and that has the given origin. If the Throwable was created by the VM while evaluating an instruction with the program counter pc you should use the method ValueOriginForImmediateVMException to translate that pc to the appropriate ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  103. def TypedValue(origin: ValueOrigin, valueType: Type): DomainValue

    Factory method to create domain values with a specific type.

    Factory method to create domain values with a specific type. I.e., values for which we have some type information but no precise value or source information. However, the value is guaranteed to be null or properly initialized.

    For example, if valueType is a reference type it may be possible that the actual value is null, but such knowledge is not available.

    The framework uses this method when a method is to be analyzed, but no parameter values are given and initial values need to be generated. This method is not used elsewhere by the framework.

    Definition Classes
  104. def UninitializedThis(objectType: ObjectType): DomainObjectValue

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents the this value of a constructor before the super constructor is called.

    Creates a new DomainValue that represents the this value of a constructor before the super constructor is called. Hence, the value origin is necessarily always -1.

    OPAL calls this method when it creates the initial locals for constructors.


    The properties of the domain value are:

    • Initialized: no (only the memory is allocated for the object)
    • Type: upper bound
    • Null: no (This value is not null.)
    Definition Classes

    Instances of arrays are never uninitialized.

  105. final val UsedPropertiesBound: SinglePropertiesBoundType

    The type of the bound of the properties that are used.

    The type of the bound of the properties that are used.

    Definition Classes

    We are restricted to SinglePropertiesBoundType to facilitate matching the bounds.

  106. final def VMArithmeticException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  107. final def VMArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  108. final def VMArrayStoreException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  109. final def VMClassCastException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  110. final def VMClassNotFoundException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  111. final def VMIllegalMonitorStateException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  112. final def VMNegativeArraySizeException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  113. final def VMNullPointerException(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  114. final def VMThrowable(pc: Int): ExceptionValue
    Definition Classes
  115. final def ValueOrigins(vo: Int): ValueOrigins
    Definition Classes
  116. def aaload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  117. def aastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  118. def abnormalExitPCs: IntTrieSet

    Returns the PCs of all instructions whose execution may have led to an exception.

    Returns the PCs of all instructions whose execution may have led to an exception. This can, e.g., be instance field read/field write statements or method invocations, but _in very rare cases_ also return instructions.

    Definition Classes
  119. def abortProcessingExceptionsOfCalledMethodsOnUnknownException: Boolean

    If true the processing of the exception handlers related to an invoke statement will be aborted if the relation between the type of the thrown exception and the caught type is unknown.

    If true the processing of the exception handlers related to an invoke statement will be aborted if the relation between the type of the thrown exception and the caught type is unknown.



    Definition Classes
  120. def abortProcessingThrownExceptionsOnUnknownException: Boolean

    If true the processing of the exception handlers related to an athrow statement will be aborted if the relation between the type of the thrown exception and the caught type is unknown.

    If true the processing of the exception handlers related to an athrow statement will be aborted if the relation between the type of the thrown exception and the caught type is unknown.



    Definition Classes
  121. def abruptMethodExecution(pc: Int, exceptionValue: ExceptionValue): Unit

    Called by the abstract interpreter when an exception is thrown that is not (guaranteed to be) handled within the same method.

    Called by the abstract interpreter when an exception is thrown that is not (guaranteed to be) handled within the same method.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  122. def abstractInterpretationEnded(aiResult: AIResult { val domain: L1DefaultDomainWithCFGAndDefUseAndSignatureRefinement.this.type }): Unit

    Completes the computation of the definition/use information by using the recorded cfg.

    Completes the computation of the definition/use information by using the recorded cfg.

    Definition Classes
  123. def afterBaseJoin(pc: Int): Unit

    Classes overriding this method generally have to call it!

    Classes overriding this method generally have to call it!

    Definition Classes
  124. def afterEvaluation(pc: Int, instruction: Instruction, oldOperands: Operands, oldLocals: Locals, targetPC: Int, isExceptionalControlFlow: Boolean, forceJoin: Boolean, newOperands: Operands, newLocals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    This methods is called after the evaluation of the instruction with the given pc with respect to targetPC, but before the values are propagated (joined) and before it is checked whether the interpretation needs to be continued.

    This methods is called after the evaluation of the instruction with the given pc with respect to targetPC, but before the values are propagated (joined) and before it is checked whether the interpretation needs to be continued. I.e., if the operands (newOperands) or locals (newLocals) are further refined then the refined operands and locals are joined (if necessary).

    Definition Classes

    During the evaluation of the instruction it is possible that this method is called multiple times with different targetPCs. The latter is not only true for control flow instructions, but also for those instructions that may raise an exception. This method can and is intended to be overridden to further refine the operand stack/the locals. However, the overriding method should always forward the (possibly refined) operands and locals to the super method (stackable traits).

  125. final def allExecuted: BitSet

    Computes the set of all executed instructions.

    Computes the set of all executed instructions.

    Definition Classes
  126. def allExitPCs: IntTrieSet

    Returns all PCs that may lead to the (ab)normal termination of the method.

    Returns all PCs that may lead to the (ab)normal termination of the method. I.e., those instructions (in particular method call instructions, but potentially also array access instructions and (I]L)DIV|MOD instructions etc.) that may throw some unhandled exceptions will also be returned; even if the instruction may also have regular and also exception handlers!

    Definition Classes
  127. def allReachable(pcs: IntTrieSet): IntTrieSet

    Computes the transitive hull of all instructions reachable from the given set of instructions.

    Computes the transitive hull of all instructions reachable from the given set of instructions.

    Definition Classes
  128. def allReachable(pc: Int): IntTrieSet

    Computes the transitive hull of all instructions reachable from the given instruction.

    Computes the transitive hull of all instructions reachable from the given instruction.

    Definition Classes
  129. def allSuccessorsOf(pc: Int): PCs

    Returns the set of all instructions executed after the instruction with the given pc.

    Returns the set of all instructions executed after the instruction with the given pc. If this set is empty, either the instruction belongs to dead code, the instruction is a return instruction or the instruction throws an exception that is never handled internally.

    Definition Classes

    The set is recalculated on demand.

  130. def areturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    The given value, which is a value with computational type reference, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    The given value, which is a value with computational type reference, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  131. def arraylength(pc: Int, arrayref: DomainValue): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]

    Returns the array's length or throws a NullPointerException if the given reference is null.

    Returns the array's length or throws a NullPointerException if the given reference is null.

    Definition Classes

    It is in general not necessary to override this method. If you need some special handling refine the trait ArrayValue.

  132. def arrayload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult

    Loads the value stored in the array at the given index or throws an exception (NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException).

    Loads the value stored in the array at the given index or throws an exception (NullPointerException or IndexOutOfBoundsException).

    Definition Classes

    It is in general not necessary to override this method. If you need some special handling refine the load method defined by the trait ArrayValue.

  133. def arraystore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult

    Stores the given value in the array at the given index or throws an exception (NullPointerException, ArrayStoreException or IndexOutOfBoundsException).

    Stores the given value in the array at the given index or throws an exception (NullPointerException, ArrayStoreException or IndexOutOfBoundsException).

    Definition Classes

    It is in general not necessary to override this method. If you need some special handling refine the store method defined by the trait ArrayValue.

  134. def asArrayAbstraction(value: DomainValue): ArrayAbstraction
    Definition Classes
  135. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  136. def asObjectValue(value: DomainValue): DomainObjectValue
    Definition Classes
  137. def asReferenceValue(value: DomainValue): AReferenceValue

    Returns the given value as a DomainReferenceValue.

    Returns the given value as a DomainReferenceValue. Basically just performs a type cast and is intended to be used to communicate that the value has to be a reference value (if the underlying byte code is valid.)

    Definition Classes
  138. def baload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  139. def bastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  140. def bbCFG: CFG[Instruction, Code]
    Definition Classes
  141. def beforeBaseJoin(pc: Int): Unit

    This method is called immediately before a join operation with regard to the specified pc is performed.

    This method is called immediately before a join operation with regard to the specified pc is performed.

    Definition Classes

    This method is intended to be overwritten by clients to perform custom operations.

  142. def caload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  143. def castore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  144. def cfgAsGraph(): DefaultMutableNode[List[Int]]

    Creates a graph representation of the CFG.

    Creates a graph representation of the CFG.

    Definition Classes

    The returned graph is recomputed whenever this method is called.


    This implementation is for debugging purposes only. It is NOT performance optimized!

  145. final def classFile: ClassFile
    Definition Classes
  146. implicit final def classHierarchy: ClassHierarchy

    Returns the project's class hierarchy.

    Returns the project's class hierarchy.

    Definition Classes
  147. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  148. final val code: Code

    Returns the code block that is currently analyzed.

    Returns the code block that is currently analyzed.

    Definition Classes
  149. def createDefUseGraph(code: Code): Set[DefaultMutableNode[ValueOrigin]]

    Creates a multi-graph that represents the method's def-use information.

    Creates a multi-graph that represents the method's def-use information. I.e., in which way a certain value is used by other instructions and where the derived values are then used by further instructions. (Basically, we compute the data-dependence graph.)

    Definition Classes
  150. def d2f(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  151. def d2i(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  152. def d2l(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  153. def dadd(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  154. def daload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  155. def dastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  156. def dcmpg(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  157. def dcmpl(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  158. def ddiv(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  159. val dependees: EOptionPSet[Entity, Property]
  160. def dmul(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  161. def dneg(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  162. def doGetfield(pc: Int, objectref: DomainValue, fieldValue: DomainValue): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]
  163. def doGetstatic(pc: Int, fieldValue: DomainValue): Computation[DomainValue, Nothing]
  164. def doInvoke(pc: PC, invokeMethodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor, method: Method, operands: Operands, fallback: () => MethodCallResult): MethodCallResult

    Invokes the specified method.

    Invokes the specified method.


    The descriptor specified by the invoke instruction.


    The called method. In case of MethodHandles, the invoked method's descriptor will most likely not match the descriptor specified by the invoke instruction.

    Definition Classes
  165. def doInvokeWithRefinedReturnValue(calledMethod: Method, result: MethodCallResult): MethodCallResult

    Provides a hook for subclasses that need to track the information for which methods refined return value information is actually used.

    Provides a hook for subclasses that need to track the information for which methods refined return value information is actually used.

    Definition Classes

    Intended to be overridden by subclasses. Subclasses should simply call this method last to get the correct behavior.

  166. def doLoadDynamic(pc: Int, constantValue: DomainValue): Computation[DomainValue, Nothing]
    Definition Classes
  167. def doNonVirtualInvoke(pc: PC, declaringType: ObjectType, isInterface: Boolean, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands, fallback: () => MethodCallResult): MethodCallResult
    Definition Classes
  168. def doVirtualInvoke(pc: PC, declaringType: ObjectType, isInterface: Boolean, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands, fallback: () => MethodCallResult): MethodCallResult

    Currently, if we have multiple targets, fallback is called and that result is returned.

    Currently, if we have multiple targets, fallback is called and that result is returned.

    Definition Classes
  169. def dominatorTree: DominatorTree

    Returns the dominator tree; see org.opalj.graphs.DominatorTree$.apply[D<:org\.opalj\.graphs\.AbstractDominatorTree]* for details regarding the properties of the dominator tree.

    Returns the dominator tree; see org.opalj.graphs.DominatorTree$.apply[D<:org\.opalj\.graphs\.AbstractDominatorTree]* for details regarding the properties of the dominator tree.

    Definition Classes

    To get the list of all evaluated instructions and their dominators.

    val result = AI(...,...,...)
    val evaluated = result.evaluatedInstructions
  170. def drem(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  171. def dreturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    The given value, which is a value with computational type double, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    The given value, which is a value with computational type double, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  172. def dsub(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  173. def dumpDefUseInfo(): Node

    Creates an XHTML document that contains information about the def-/use information.

    Creates an XHTML document that contains information about the def-/use information.

    Definition Classes
  174. def dumpDefUseTable(): Node

    Creates an XHTML table node which contains the def/use information.

    Creates an XHTML table node which contains the def/use information.

    Definition Classes
  175. def effectiveUTB(utb: UIDSet[_ <: ReferenceType]): UIDSet[_ <: ReferenceType]

    Computes the effective upper-type bound which is the (single) final type in the utb if it contains one.

    Computes the effective upper-type bound which is the (single) final type in the utb if it contains one. In this case the other types have to be in a super-/subtype relation and were added "just" as a result of explicit CHECKCAST instructions.

    Definition Classes

    This method is generally only useful when we have to handle incomplete type hierarchies.

  176. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  177. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  178. def evaluationCompleted(pc: Int, worklist: List[Int], evaluatedPCs: IntArrayStack, operandsArray: OperandsArray, localsArray: LocalsArray, tracer: Option[AITracer]): Unit

    Called by the framework after evaluating the instruction with the given pc.

    Called by the framework after evaluating the instruction with the given pc. I.e., the state of all potential successor instructions was updated and the flow method was called – potentially multiple times – accordingly.

    By default this method does nothing.

    Definition Classes
  179. def exceptionHandlerSuccessorsOf(pc: Int): PCs

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed next if the evaluation of this instruction may raise an exception.

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed next if the evaluation of this instruction may raise an exception.

    The returned set is always empty for instructions that cannot raise exceptions, such as the StackManagementInstructions.

    Definition Classes

    The has successors if and only if the thrown exception is directly handled inside this code block.


    The successor instructions are necessarily the handlers of catch blocks.

  180. def f2d(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  181. def f2i(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  182. def f2l(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  183. def fadd(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  184. def faload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  185. def fastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  186. def fcmpg(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  187. def fcmpl(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  188. def fdiv(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  189. def flow(currentPC: Int, currentOperands: Operands, currentLocals: Locals, successorPC: Int, isSuccessorScheduled: Answer, isExceptionalControlFlow: Boolean, abruptSubroutineTerminationCount: Int, wasJoinPerformed: Boolean, worklist: List[Int], operandsArray: OperandsArray, localsArray: LocalsArray, tracer: Option[AITracer]): List[Int]

    Called by the framework after performing a computation to inform the domain about the result.

    Called by the framework after performing a computation to inform the domain about the result. That is, after evaluating the effect of the instruction with currentPC on the current stack and register and (if necessary) joining the updated stack and registers with the stack and registers associated with the instruction successorPC. (Hence, this method is ONLY called for return instructions if the return instruction throws an IllegalMonitorStateException.) This function basically informs the domain about the instruction that may be evaluated next. The flow function is called for every possible successor of the instruction with currentPC. This includes all branch targets as well as those instructions that handle exceptions.

    In some cases it will even be the case that flow is called multiple times with the same pair of program counters: (currentPC, successorPC). This may happen, e.g., in case of a switch instruction where multiple values have the same body/target instruction and we do not have precise information about the switch value. E.g., as in the following snippet:

    switch (i) {  // pc: X => Y (for "1"), Y (for "2"), Y (for "3")
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3: System.out.println("Great.");            // pc: Y
    default: System.out.println("Not So Great.");    // pc: Z

    The flow function is also called after instructions that are domain independent such as dup and load instructions which just manipulate the registers and stack in a generic way. This enables the domain to precisely follow the evaluation progress and in particular to perform control-flow dependent analyses.


    The program counter of the instruction that is currently evaluated by the abstract interpreter.


    The current operands. I.e., the operand stack before the instruction is evaluated.


    The current locals. I.e., the locals before the instruction is evaluated.


    The program counter of an instruction that is a potential successor of the instruction with currentPC. In general the AI framework adds the pc of the successor instruction to the beginning of the worklist unless it is a join instruction. In this case the pc is added to the end – in the context of the current (sub)routine. Hence, the AI framework first evaluates all paths leading to a join instruction before the join instruction will be evaluated.


    Yes if the successor instruction is or was scheduled. I.e., Yes is returned if the worklist contains successorPC, No if the worklist does not contain successorPC. Unknown is returned if the AI framework did not process the worklist and doesn't know anything about the scheduled successors. Note that this value is independent of the subroutine in which the value may be scheduled. If an implementation schedules successorPC the the super call has to set isSuccessorScheduled to Yes.


    true if and only if the evaluation of the instruction with the program counter currentPC threw an exception; false otherwise. Hence, if this parameter is true the instruction with successorPC is the first instruction of the handler.


    > 0 if and only if we have an exceptional control flow that terminates one or more subroutines. In this case the successor instruction is scheduled (if at all) after all subroutines that will be terminated by the exception.


    true if a join was performed. I.e., the successor instruction is an instruction (Code.cfJoins) that was already previously evaluated and where multiple paths potentially join.


    The current list of instructions that will be evaluated next.

    If subroutines are not used (i.e., Java >= 5)

    If you want to force the evaluation of the instruction with the program counter successorPC it is sufficient to test whether the list already contains successorPC and – if not – to prepend it. If the worklist already contains successorPC then the domain is allowed to move the PC to the beginning of the worklist.

    If the code contains subroutines (JSR/RET)

    If the PC does not belong to the same (current) (sub)routine, it is not allowed to be moved to the beginning of the worklist. (Subroutines can only be found in code generated by old Java compilers; before Java 6. Subroutines are identified by jsr/ret instructions. A subroutine can be identified by going back in the worklist and by looking for specific "program counters" (e.g., SUBROUTINE_START, SUBROUTINE_END). These program counters mark the beginning of a subroutine. In other words, an instruction can be freely moved around unless a special program counter value is found. All special program counters use negative values. Additionally, neither the negative values nor the positive values between two negative values should be changed. Furthermore, no value (PC) should be put between negative values that capture subroutine information. If the domain updates the worklist, it is the responsibility of the domain to call the tracer and to inform it about the changes. Note that the worklist is not allowed to contain duplicates related to the evaluation of the current (sub-)routine.


    The array that associates every instruction with its operand stack that is in effect. Note, that only those elements of the array contain values that are related to instructions that were evaluated in the past; the other elements are null. Furthermore, it identifies the operandsArray of the subroutine that will execute the instruction with successorPC. The operandsArray may be null for the current instruction (not the successor instruction) if the execution of the current instruction leads to the termination of the current subroutine. In this case the information about the operands and locals associated with all instructions belonging to the subroutine is reset.


    The array that associates every instruction with its current register values. Note, that only those elements of the array contain values that are related to instructions that were evaluated in the past. The other elements are null. Furthermore, it identifies the localsArray of the subroutine that will execute the instruction with successorPC. The localsArray may be null for the current instruction (not the successor instruction) if the execution of the current instruction leads to the termination of the current subroutine. In this case the information about the operands and locals associated with all instructions belonging to the subroutine is reset.


    The updated worklist. In most cases this is simply the given worklist. The default case is also to return the given worklist.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  190. def fmul(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  191. def fneg(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  192. def foreachOrigin(value: DomainValue, f: (ValueOrigin) => Unit): Unit

    Iterates over the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.

    Iterates over the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.

    Definition Classes
  193. final def foreachPredecessorOf(pc: Int)(f: (PC) => Unit): Unit
    Definition Classes
  194. def foreachSuccessorOf(pc: Int)(f: (PC) => Unit): Unit
    Definition Classes
  195. def frem(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  196. def freturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    The given value, which is a value with computational type float, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    The given value, which is a value with computational type float, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  197. def fsub(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  198. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  199. def getPotentialExceptions(pc: Int): List[ExceptionValue]
    Definition Classes
  200. def getfield(pc: PC, objectref: DomainValue, declaringClass: ObjectType, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]

    Returns the field's value and/or a new NullPointerException if the given objectref represents the value null.

    Returns the field's value and/or a new NullPointerException if the given objectref represents the value null.


    The field's value or a new NullPointerException.

    Definition Classes
  201. def getstatic(pc: PC, declaringClass: ObjectType, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType): Computation[DomainValue, Nothing]

    Returns the field's value.

  202. def handleInstanceBasedInvoke(pc: Int, methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor, targetMethods: Set[Method], receiverIsNull: Answer, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult


    The method descriptor as specified by the invoke instruction. In case of the invocation of a signature polymorphic method using the descriptor of the invoked method may differ from the descriptor used by the method. Nevertheless, the MethodCallResult has to satisfy the requirements of the caller. In particular regarding the return type.

    Definition Classes
  203. def handleInstanceBasedInvoke(pc: Int, methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult
    Definition Classes
  204. def handleInstanceBasedInvoke(pc: Int, methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor, receiverIsNull: Answer): MethodCallResult
    Definition Classes
  205. def handleInvoke(pc: Int, methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor): MethodCallResult
    Definition Classes
  206. def handleReturn(pc: Int): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    Creates a computation object that encapsulates the result of a computation that may throw an IllegalMonitorStateException if a monitor is (potentially) used.

    Creates a computation object that encapsulates the result of a computation that may throw an IllegalMonitorStateException if a monitor is (potentially) used. The primary example are the (XXX)return instructions.


    The program counter of a return instruction.

    Definition Classes
  207. final def handlesException(exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler): Boolean

    Returns true if the exception handler may handle at least one exception thrown by an instruction in its try block.

    Returns true if the exception handler may handle at least one exception thrown by an instruction in its try block.

    Definition Classes
  208. final def hasMultiplePredecessors(pc: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if the instruction with the given pc has multiple direct predecessors (more than one).

    Returns true if the instruction with the given pc has multiple direct predecessors (more than one).

    Definition Classes
  209. final def hasMultipleSuccessors(pc: Int): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  210. def hasNoSuccessor(pc: Int): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  211. def hasSuccessor(pc: Int, regularSuccessorsOnly: Boolean, p: (Int) => Boolean): Boolean

    Tests if the instruction with the given pc has a successor instruction with a pc' that satisfies the given predicate p.

    Tests if the instruction with the given pc has a successor instruction with a pc' that satisfies the given predicate p.

    Definition Classes
  212. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  213. def i2b(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  214. def i2c(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  215. def i2d(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  216. def i2f(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  217. def i2l(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  218. def i2s(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  219. def iadd(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  220. def iaload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  221. def iand(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  222. def iastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  223. def idiv(pc: Int, numerator: DomainValue, denominator: DomainValue): IntegerValueOrArithmeticException
  224. def iinc(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, increment: Int): DomainValue
  225. def imul(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  226. def ineg(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue
  227. def infiniteLoopHeaders: IntTrieSet

    Returns the first instructions of the infinite loops of the current method.

    Returns the first instructions of the infinite loops of the current method. An infinite loop is a set of instructions that does not have a connection to any instruction outside of the loop (closed strongly connected component). I.e., whatever path is taken, all remaining paths will eventually include the loop header instruction. The very vast majority of methods does not have infinite loops.

    Definition Classes
  228. def initProperties(code: Code, cfJoins: IntTrieSet, locals: Locals): Unit

    Override this method to perform custom initialization steps.

    Override this method to perform custom initialization steps.

    Always use abstract override and call the super method; it is recommended to complete the initialization of this domain before calling the super method.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  229. def intAreEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the two given integer values are equal.

    Tests if the two given integer values are equal.


    A value with computational type integer.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  230. def intAreNotEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the two given integer values are not equal.

    Tests if the two given integer values are not equal.


    A value with computational type integer.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  231. def intEstablishAreEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Definition Classes

    This function is ONLY defined if a corresponding test (value1 == value2) returned org.opalj.Unknown. I.e., this method is only allowed to be called if there is something to establish! I.e., the domain values are real ranges (not single values, e.g., [1,1]) that overlap.

  232. def intEstablishAreNotEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Definition Classes

    This function is ONLY defined if a corresponding test (value1 != value2) returned org.opalj.Unknown. I.e., this method is only allowed to be called if there is something to establish! I.e., the domain values are real ranges (not single values, e.g., [1,1]) that overlap.

  233. def intEstablishIsLessThan(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Definition Classes

    This function is ONLY defined if a corresponding test (value1 < value2) returned org.opalj.Unknown. I.e., this method is only allowed to be called if there is something to establish! I.e., the domain values are real ranges (not single values, e.g., [1,1]) that overlap.

  234. def intEstablishIsLessThanOrEqualTo(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Definition Classes

    This function is ONLY defined if a corresponding test (value1 <= value2) returned org.opalj.Unknown. I.e., this method is only allowed to be called if there is something to establish! I.e., the domain values are real ranges (not single values, e.g., [1,1]) that overlap.

  235. def intEstablishValue(pc: Int, theValue: Int, value: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Sets the given domain value to theValue.

    Sets the given domain value to theValue.

    This function is called by OPAL before it starts to explore the branch where this condition has to hold. (This function is, e.g., called whenever we explore the branches of a switch-case statement.) I.e., the constraint is established before a potential join operation.


    An integer domain value that does also, but not exclusively represents theValue.

    Definition Classes
  236. def intIs0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given integer value is 0 or maybe 0.

    Tests if the given integer value is 0 or maybe 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  237. def intIsGreaterThan(pc: Int, largerValue: DomainValue, smallerValue: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the first integer value is larger than the second value.

    Tests if the first integer value is larger than the second value.


    A value with computational type integer.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  238. def intIsGreaterThan0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given integer value is > 0 or maybe > 0.

    Tests if the given integer value is > 0 or maybe > 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  239. def intIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(pc: Int, largerOrEqualValue: DomainValue, smallerOrEqualValue: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the first integer value is larger than or equal to the second value.

    Tests if the first integer value is larger than or equal to the second value.


    A value with computational type integer.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  240. def intIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given value is greater than or equal to 0 or maybe greater than or equal to 0.

    Tests if the given value is greater than or equal to 0 or maybe greater than or equal to 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  241. def intIsLessThan(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the first integer value is smaller than the second value.

    Tests if the first integer value is smaller than the second value.

    Definition Classes
  242. def intIsLessThan0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given integer value is < 0 or maybe < 0.

    Tests if the given integer value is < 0 or maybe < 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  243. def intIsLessThanOrEqualTo(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the first integer value is less than or equal to the second value.

    Tests if the first integer value is less than or equal to the second value.

    Definition Classes
  244. def intIsLessThanOrEqualTo0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given integer value is less than or equal to 0 or maybe less than or equal to 0.

    Tests if the given integer value is less than or equal to 0 or maybe less than or equal to 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  245. def intIsNot0(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Tests if the given integer value is not 0 or maybe not 0.

    Tests if the given integer value is not 0 or maybe not 0.


    A value with computational type integer.

    Definition Classes
  246. def intIsSomeValueInRange(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, lowerBound: Int, upperBound: Int): Answer

    Returns Yes iff at least one possible extension of the given value is in the specified range; that is, if the intersection of the range of values captured by the given value and the specified range is non-empty.

    Returns Yes iff at least one possible extension of the given value is in the specified range; that is, if the intersection of the range of values captured by the given value and the specified range is non-empty.

    For example, if the given value captures all positive integer values and the specified range is [-1,1] then the answer has to be Yes. If we know nothing about the potential extension of the given value the answer will be Unknown. The answer is No iff both ranges are non-overlapping.


    A value that has to be of computational type integer.


    The range's lower bound (inclusive).


    The range's upper bound (inclusive).

    Definition Classes
  247. def intIsSomeValueNotInRange(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, lowerBound: Int, upperBound: Int): Answer

    Returns Yes iff at least one (possible) extension of a given value is not in the specified range; that is, if the set difference of the range of values captured by the given value and the specified range is non-empty.

    Returns Yes iff at least one (possible) extension of a given value is not in the specified range; that is, if the set difference of the range of values captured by the given value and the specified range is non-empty. For example, if the given value has the integer value 10 and the specified range is [0,Integer.MAX_VALUE] then the answer has to be No. But, if the given value represents the range [-5,Integer.MAX_VALUE] and the specified range is again [0,Integer.MAX_VALUE] then the answer has to be Yes.

    The answer is Yes iff the analysis determined that at runtime value will have a value that is not in the specified range. If the analysis(domain) is not able to determine whether the value is or is not in the given range then the answer has to be Unknown.


    A value that has to be of computational type integer.


    The range's lower bound (inclusive).


    The range's upper bound (inclusive).

    Definition Classes
  248. final def intValue[T](value: DomainValue)(f: (Int) => T)(orElse: => T): T

    If the given value encapsulates a precise integer value then the function ifThen is called with the respective value otherwise orElse is called.

    If the given value encapsulates a precise integer value then the function ifThen is called with the respective value otherwise orElse is called.

    Definition Classes
  249. final def intValueOption(value: DomainValue): Option[Int]

    Returns the current Int value represented by the domain value if it exists.

    Returns the current Int value represented by the domain value if it exists.

    Definition Classes

    This method returns None if the DomainValue does not represent an Integer value or the precise value is not known. I.e., this method never fails.

  250. final def intValues[T](value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue)(f: (Int, Int) => T)(orElse: => T): T
    Definition Classes
  251. def invokedynamic(pc: Int, bootstrapMethod: BootstrapMethod, name: String, methodDescriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult
  252. def invokeinterface(pc: PC, declaringType: ObjectType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult
  253. def invokespecial(pc: PC, declaringType: ObjectType, isInterface: Boolean, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult
  254. def invokestatic(pc: PC, declaringType: ObjectType, isInterface: Boolean, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult

    Those invokestatic calls for which we have no concrete method (e.g., the respective class file was never loaded or the method is native) or if have a recursive invocation are delegated to the super class.

    Those invokestatic calls for which we have no concrete method (e.g., the respective class file was never loaded or the method is native) or if have a recursive invocation are delegated to the super class.

    Definition Classes
  255. def invokevirtual(pc: PC, declaringType: ReferenceType, name: String, descriptor: MethodDescriptor, operands: Operands): MethodCallResult
  256. def ior(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  257. def irem(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): IntegerValueOrArithmeticException
  258. def ireturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    The given value, which is a value with computational type integer, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    The given value, which is a value with computational type integer, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  259. final def isASubtypeOf(subtype: ReferenceType, supertype: ReferenceType): Answer

    Tests if subtype is known to be subtype of supertype.

    Tests if subtype is known to be subtype of supertype. See's isSubtypeOf method for details.

    Definition Classes
  260. def isDirectRegularPredecessorOf(pc: Int, successorPC: Int): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  261. def isExitPC(pc: PC): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  262. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  263. def isMonitorInstructionUsed: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  264. def isNull(values: Iterable[AReferenceValue]): Answer

    Determines the common null-ness property of the given reference values.

    Determines the common null-ness property of the given reference values.

    Definition Classes
  265. def isPrecise(values: Iterable[AReferenceValue]): Boolean

    Determines if the runtime object type referred to by the given values is always the same.

    Determines if the runtime object type referred to by the given values is always the same. I.e., it determines if all values are precise and have the same upperTypeBound.

    Null values are ignored when determining the precision; i.e., if all values represent Null true will be returned.

    Definition Classes
  266. def isRegularPredecessorOf(pc: Int, successorPC: Int): Boolean

    Tests if the instruction with the given pc is a direct or indirect predecessor of the given successor instruction.

    Tests if the instruction with the given pc is a direct or indirect predecessor of the given successor instruction.

    If pc equals successorPC true is returned.

    Definition Classes

    This method will traverse the entire graph if successorPC is not a regular predecessor of pc. Hence, consider using the (Post)DominatorTree.

  267. final def isSubtypeOf(subtype: ReferenceType, supertype: ReferenceType): Boolean

    Tests if subtype is known to be subtype of supertype.

    Tests if subtype is known to be subtype of supertype. See's isSubtypeOf method for details.

    Definition Classes
  268. final def isValueASubtypeOf(value: DomainValue, supertype: ReferenceType): Answer

    Tries to determine – under the assumption that the given value is not null – if the runtime type of the given reference value could be a subtype of the specified reference type supertype.

    Tries to determine – under the assumption that the given value is not null – if the runtime type of the given reference value could be a subtype of the specified reference type supertype. I.e., if the type of the value is not precisely known, then all subtypes of the value's type are also taken into consideration when analyzing the subtype relation and only if we can guarantee that none is a subtype of the given supertype the answer will be No.

    Definition Classes

    The returned value is only meaningful if value does not represent the runtime value null.

  269. def ishl(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, shift: DomainValue): DomainValue
  270. def ishr(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, shift: DomainValue): DomainValue
  271. def isub(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): DomainValue
  272. def iushr(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, shift: DomainValue): DomainValue
  273. def ixor(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue
  274. def join(pc: Int, thisOperands: Operands, thisLocals: Locals, otherOperands: Operands, otherLocals: Locals): Update[(Operands, Locals)]

    Joins the given operand stacks and local variables.

    Joins the given operand stacks and local variables.

    In general there should be no need to refine this method. Overriding this method should only be done for analysis purposes.


    This method heavily relies on reference comparisons to speed up the overall process of performing an abstract interpretation of a method. Hence, a computation should – whenever possible – return (one of) the original object(s) if that value has the same abstract state as the result. Furthermore, if all original values capture the same abstract state as the result of the computation, the "left" value/the value that was already used in the past should be returned.


    The joined operand stack and registers. Returns NoUpdate if this memory layout already subsumes the other memory layout.

    Definition Classes

    The size of the operands stacks that are to be joined and the number of registers/locals that are to be joined can be expected to be identical under the assumption that the bytecode is valid and the framework contains no bugs.


    The operand stacks are guaranteed to contain compatible values w.r.t. the computational type (unless the bytecode is not valid or OPAL contains an error). I.e., if the result of joining two operand stack values is an IllegalValue we assume that the domain implementation is incorrect. However, the joining of two register values can result in an illegal value - which identifies the value as being dead.

  275. def joinPostProcessing(updateType: UpdateType, pc: Int, oldOperands: Operands, oldLocals: Locals, newOperands: Operands, newLocals: Locals): Update[(Operands, Locals)]

    Enables the customization of the behavior of the base join method.

    Enables the customization of the behavior of the base join method.

    This method in particular enables, in case of a MetaInformationUpdate, to raise the update type to force the continuation of the abstract interpretation process.

    Methods should always override this method and should call the super method.


    The current update type. The level can be raised. It is an error to lower the update level.


    The old operands, before the join. Should not be changed.


    The old locals, before the join. Should not be changed.


    The new operands; may be updated.


    The new locals; may be updated.

    Definition Classes
  276. def joinValues(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): Update[DomainValue]

    Classes overriding this method generally have to call it!

    Classes overriding this method generally have to call it!

    Definition Classes
  277. val joinedValues: HashMap[IdentityPair[AnyRef, AnyRef], Update[DomainValue]]
    Definition Classes
  278. def jumpBackTargetPCs: IntTrieSet

    The set of instructions to which a jump back is performed.

    The set of instructions to which a jump back is performed.

    Definition Classes
  279. def jumpToSubroutine(pc: Int, branchTargetPC: Int, returnTargetPC: Int): Unit


    The pc of the jsr(w) instruction.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  280. final def justThrows(value: ExceptionValue): ThrowsException[ExceptionValues]
    Definition Classes
  281. def justThrowsException(pc: Int): Boolean

    Returns true if the execution of the given instruction – identified by its pc – always just throws an exception that is (potentially) handled by the method.

    Returns true if the execution of the given instruction – identified by its pc – always just throws an exception that is (potentially) handled by the method.

    Definition Classes
  282. def l2d(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Conversion of the given long value to a double value.

    Conversion of the given long value to a double value.


    The result of calling DoubleValue(pc).

    Definition Classes
  283. def l2f(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Conversion of the given long value to a float value.

    Conversion of the given long value to a float value.


    The result of calling FloatValue(pc).

    Definition Classes
  284. def l2i(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Conversion of the given long value to an integer value.

    Conversion of the given long value to an integer value.


    The result of calling IntegerValue(pc).

    Definition Classes
  285. def ladd(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Add of two long values.

    Add of two long values.


    The pc of the add(+) instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  286. def laload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  287. def land(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Boolean and of two long values.

    Boolean and of two long values.


    The pc of the "&" instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  288. def lastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  289. def lcmp(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Comparison (==) of two long values.

    Comparison (==) of two long values.


    The pc of the comparison instruction.


    A domain value that encapsulates an integer value with the value -1,0 or 1.

    Definition Classes
  290. def ldiv(pc: Int, numerator: DomainValue, denominator: DomainValue): LongValueOrArithmeticException

    Division of two long values.

    Division of two long values.


    The pc of the div (/) instruction.


    The return value is the calculated value and/or (depending on the domain) an ArithmeticException if value2 is 0.

    Definition Classes
  291. def lmul(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Multiplication of two long values.

    Multiplication of two long values.


    The pc of the mul (/) instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  292. def lneg(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Negation of a long value.

    Negation of a long value.


    The pc of the neg instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  293. def loadDynamic(pc: Int, bootstrapMethod: BootstrapMethod, name: String, descriptor: FieldType): Computation[DomainValue, Nothing]

    Returns the dynamic constant's value.

    Returns the dynamic constant's value.

    Definition Classes
  294. def localOrigin(pc: PC, registerIndex: Int): ValueOrigins

    Returns the instruction(s) which define(s) the value found in the register variable with index registerIndex and the program counter pc.

    Returns the instruction(s) which define(s) the value found in the register variable with index registerIndex and the program counter pc.

    Definition Classes
  295. implicit final def logContext: LogContext
    Definition Classes
  296. final def longValue[T](value: DomainValue)(ifThen: (Long) => T)(orElse: => T): T

    If the given value represents one specific long value then the function ifThen is called with the respective value otherwise orElse is called.

    If the given value represents one specific long value then the function ifThen is called with the respective value otherwise orElse is called.

    Definition Classes
  297. final def longValueOption(value: DomainValue): Option[Long]

    Returns the current Long value represented by the domain value if it exists.

    Returns the current Long value represented by the domain value if it exists.

    Definition Classes

    This method returns None if the DomainValue does not represent a Long value or the precise value is not known. I.e., this method never fails.

  298. final def longValues[T](value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue)(ifThen: (Long, Long) => T)(orElse: => T): T
    Definition Classes
  299. def lor(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Boolean or of two long values.

    Boolean or of two long values.


    The pc of the "boolean or" (|) instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  300. def lrem(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): LongValueOrArithmeticException

    Remainder of two long values.

    Remainder of two long values.


    The pc of the div (/) instruction.


    The return value is the calculated value and/or (depending on the domain) an ArithmeticException if value2 is 0.

    Definition Classes
  301. def lreturn(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    The given value, which is a value with computational type long, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    The given value, which is a value with computational type long, is returned by the return instruction with the given pc.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  302. def lshl(pc: Int, longValue: DomainValue, shiftValue: DomainValue): DomainTypedValue[LongType]

    Shift left of a long value.

    Shift left of a long value.


    The pc of the "shift left" instruction.

    Definition Classes
  303. def lshr(pc: Int, longValue: DomainValue, shiftValue: DomainValue): DomainTypedValue[LongType]

    Shift right of a long value.

    Shift right of a long value.


    The pc of the "shift right" instruction.

    Definition Classes
  304. def lsub(pc: Int, left: DomainValue, right: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Subtraction of two long values.

    Subtraction of two long values.


    The pc of the sub(-) instruction.

    Definition Classes
  305. def lushr(pc: Int, longValue: DomainValue, shiftValue: DomainValue): DomainTypedValue[LongType]

    Unsigned shift right of a long value.

    Unsigned shift right of a long value.


    The pc of the "unsigned shift right" instruction.

    Definition Classes
  306. def lxor(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    xor of two long values.

    xor of two long values.


    The pc of the "xor" instruction.


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).


    A long value (guaranteed by the JVM's semantics).

    Definition Classes
  307. def maxCardinalityOfIntegerRanges: Long

    Determines the maximum number of values captured by an integer value range.

    Determines the maximum number of values captured by an integer value range.

    This setting is only used when true ranges are merged; in case of a join of two concrete values we will always create an IntegerRangeLike value. If the cardinality is exceeded, we will also first create ranges based on the boundaries determined by the defaul data types (byte,short,char).

    This setting can be adapted at runtime.

    Definition Classes
  308. def mergeDEComputations(pc: Int, c1: Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue], c2: Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]

    Merges two computations that both resulted in at most one DomainValue or at most one ExceptionValue.

    Merges two computations that both resulted in at most one DomainValue or at most one ExceptionValue.

    If values are merged the merged value will use the specified pc.

    Definition Classes
  309. def mergeDEsComputations(pc: Int, c1: Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValues], c2: Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValues]): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValues]

    Merges two computations that both return some DomainValue and some ExceptionValues.

    Merges two computations that both return some DomainValue and some ExceptionValues. If values are merged the merged value will use the specified pc.

    Definition Classes
  310. def mergeDomainValues(pc: Int, v1: DomainValue, v2: DomainValue): DomainValue

    Merges the given domain value v1 with the domain value v2 and returns the merged value which is v1 if v1 is an abstraction of v2, v2 if v2 is an abstraction of v1 or some other value if a new value is computed that abstracts over both values.

    Merges the given domain value v1 with the domain value v2 and returns the merged value which is v1 if v1 is an abstraction of v2, v2 if v2 is an abstraction of v1 or some other value if a new value is computed that abstracts over both values.

    This operation is commutative.

    Definition Classes
  311. def mergeEsComputations(pc: Int, c1: Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValues], c2: Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValues]): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValues]

    Merges two computations that both resulted in at most one ExceptionValue each.

    Merges two computations that both resulted in at most one ExceptionValue each.

    If values are merged the merged value will use the specified pc.

    Definition Classes
  312. def mergeMultipleExceptionValues(pc: Int, v1s: ExceptionValues, v2s: ExceptionValues): ExceptionValues

    Merges those exceptions that have the same upper type bound.

    Merges those exceptions that have the same upper type bound. This ensures that per upper type bound only one ValuesDomain.DomainValue (which may be a MultipleReferenceValues) is used. For those values that are merged, the given pc is used.

    Definition Classes
  313. val method: Method

    Returns the method that is currently analyzed.

    Returns the method that is currently analyzed.

    Definition Classes
  314. def monitorenter(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    Handles a monitorenter instruction.

    Handles a monitorenter instruction.

    Definition Classes

    A monitor enter instruction may throw a NullPointerException.

  315. def monitorexit(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValues]

    Handles a monitorexit instruction.

    Handles a monitorexit instruction.

    Definition Classes

    A monitor exit instruction may throw a NullPointerException or an IllegalMonitorStateException.

  316. def multianewarray(pc: Int, counts: Operands, arrayType: ArrayType): Computation[DomainArrayValue, ExceptionValue]

    Creates a multi-dimensional array.

    Creates a multi-dimensional array.

    Definition Classes

    The componentType may be (again) an array type.


    It is generally not necessary to override this method as it handles all cases in a generic manner.

  317. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  318. def newDefOpsForExceptionalControlFlow(currentPC: PC, currentInstruction: Instruction, successorPC: PC)(implicit operandsArray: OperandsArray): List[ValueOrigins]
    Definition Classes
  319. def newarray(pc: Int, count: DomainValue, componentType: FieldType): Computation[DomainValue, ExceptionValue]

    Creates a new array.

    Creates a new array.

    Definition Classes

    It is generally not necessary to override this method as it handles all cases in a generic manner.

  320. def nextRefId(): RefId

    Returns the next unused time stamp.

    Returns the next unused time stamp.

    Definition Classes
  321. def normalExitPCs: IntTrieSet

    Returns the PCs of all return instructions which may have returned normally; which are practically always all return instructions unless the analysis _really_ finds an unbalanced return; which is very unlikely.

    Returns the PCs of all return instructions which may have returned normally; which are practically always all return instructions unless the analysis _really_ finds an unbalanced return; which is very unlikely.

    Definition Classes
  322. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  323. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
  324. final def nullRefId: RefId
    Definition Classes
  325. def operandOrigin(pc: PC, stackIndex: Int): ValueOrigins

    Returns the instruction(s) which defined the value used by the instruction with the given pc and which is stored at the stack position with the given stackIndex.

    Returns the instruction(s) which defined the value used by the instruction with the given pc and which is stored at the stack position with the given stackIndex. The first/top value on the stack has index 0 and the second value - if it exists - has index two; independent of the computational category of the values.

    Definition Classes
  326. def origins(value: DomainValue): ValueOrigins

    Returns the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.

    Returns the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.

    Definition Classes
  327. def originsIterator(value: DomainValue): ValueOriginsIterator

    Returns the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.

    Returns the origin(s) of the given value if the information is available.


    The source(s) of the given value if the information is available. Whether the information is available depends on the concrete domains. This trait only defines a general contract how to get access to a value's origin (I.e., the origin of the instruction which created the respective value.) By default this method returns an empty Iterable.

    Definition Classes
  328. def originsOf(domainValue: DomainValue): Option[ValueOrigins]

    Returns the origins of a domain value.

    Returns the origins of a domain value. This method is intended to be overridden by domains that provide more precise def/use information than the default def/use analysis.

    E.g., the l1.ReferenceValues domain tracks alias relations and can (when we inline calls) correctly identify those returned values that were passed to it.


    The domain value for which the origin information is required. If no information is available, defaultOrigins should be returned.


    The origin information for the given domainValue.

    Definition Classes
  329. val parametersOffset: Int
    Definition Classes
  330. def pdtBasedControlDependencies: DominanceFrontiers

    Computes the control dependencies graph based on the post dominator tree.

    Computes the control dependencies graph based on the post dominator tree.

    Internally, a post dominator tree is used for methods without infinite loops; i.e., we compute non-termination insensitive control dependencies. Note that – dues to exceptions which may lead to abnormal returns

    Definition Classes
  331. def postDominatorTree: PostDominatorTree

    Returns the org.opalj.graphs.PostDominatorTree (PDT).

    Definition Classes

    The construction of PostDominatorTrees for methods with multiple exit nodes and also – potentially - infinite loops has several limitations; in particular, if the results are used for computing control-dependence information.


    If the method/CFG contains infinite loops (see #infiniteLoopHeaders) then the instructions which jump back to the infinite loop headers (from within the loop) are also used as additional exit nodes.

  332. def predecessorsOf(pc: Int): PCs

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed before the instruction with the given pc.

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed before the instruction with the given pc.

    If the instruction with the given pc was never executed an empty set is returned.


    A valid program counter.

    Definition Classes
  333. val project: Project[Source]

    Returns the project that is currently analyzed.

    Returns the project that is currently analyzed.

    Definition Classes
  334. def propagate(currentPC: Int, successorPC: Int, newDefOps: List[ValueOrigins], newDefLocals: collection.mutable.Locals[ValueOrigins])(implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  335. def properties(pc: Int, propertyToString: (AnyRef) => String): Option[String]

    Prints out the information by which values the current values are used.

    Prints out the information by which values the current values are used.

    Returns a string representation of the properties associated with the instruction with the respective program counter.

    Associating properties with an instruction and maintaining those properties is, however, at the sole responsibility of the Domain.

    This method is predefined to facilitate the development of support tools and is not used by the abstract interpretation framework.

    Domains that define (additional) properties should (abstract) override this method and should return a textual representation of the property.

    Definition Classes
  336. implicit final lazy val propertyStore: PropertyStore
    Definition Classes
  337. def providesOriginInformationFor(ct: ComputationalType): Boolean

    Implementers are expected to "override" this method and to call super.providesOriginInformationFor to make it possible to stack several domain implementations which provide origin information.

    Implementers are expected to "override" this method and to call super.providesOriginInformationFor to make it possible to stack several domain implementations which provide origin information.

    Definition Classes
  338. def putfield(pc: Int, objectref: DomainValue, value: DomainValue, declaringClass: ObjectType, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    Sets the field's value if the given objectref is not null(in the Domain).

    Sets the field's value if the given objectref is not null(in the Domain). In the latter case a NullPointerException is thrown.

    Definition Classes
  339. def putstatic(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, declaringClass: ObjectType, fieldName: String, fieldType: FieldType): Computation[Nothing, Nothing]

    Sets the field's value.

    Sets the field's value.

    Definition Classes
  340. def refAreEqual(pc: Int, v1: DomainValue, v2: DomainValue): Answer

    Returns Yes if both DomainReferenceValues definitively identify the same object at runtime.

    Returns Yes if both DomainReferenceValues definitively identify the same object at runtime.

    Using this domain, it is in general not possible to determine that two values are definitively not reference equal unless they are type incompatible.

    Definition Classes
  341. def refAreNotEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue): Answer

    Compares the given values for reference inequality.

    Compares the given values for reference inequality. Returns No if both values point to the same instance and returns Yes if both objects are known not to point to the same instance. The latter is, e.g., trivially the case when both values have a different concrete type. Otherwise Unknown is returned.

    If both values are representing the null value the org.opalj.Answer is Yes.


    A value of computational type reference.


    A value of computational type reference.

    Definition Classes
  342. def refEstablishAreEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Called by OPAL when two values were compared for reference equality and we are going to analyze the branch where the comparison succeeded.

    Called by OPAL when two values were compared for reference equality and we are going to analyze the branch where the comparison succeeded.

    Definition Classes
  343. def refEstablishAreNotEqual(pc: Int, value1: DomainValue, value2: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Called by OPAL when two values were compared for reference equality and we are going to analyze the branch where the comparison failed.

    Called by OPAL when two values were compared for reference equality and we are going to analyze the branch where the comparison failed.

    Definition Classes
  344. def refEstablishIsNonNull(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Refines the "null"ness property (isNull == No) of the given value.

    Refines the "null"ness property (isNull == No) of the given value.

    Calls refineIsNull on the given ReferenceValue and replaces every occurrence on the stack/in a register with the updated value.


    A ReferenceValue that does not represent the value null.

    Definition Classes
  345. def refEstablishIsNull(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Updates the "null"ness property (isNull == Yes) of the given value.

    Updates the "null"ness property (isNull == Yes) of the given value.

    Calls refineIsNull on the given ReferenceValue and replaces every occurrence on the stack/in a register with the updated value.


    A ReferenceValue.

    Definition Classes
  346. def refIsNonNull(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Returns Yes if given value is never null, Unknown if the values is maybe null and No otherwise.

    Returns Yes if given value is never null, Unknown if the values is maybe null and No otherwise.


    A value of computational type reference.

    Definition Classes
  347. final def refIsNull(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Answer

    Determines the nullness-property of the given value.

    Determines the nullness-property of the given value.


    A value of type ReferenceValue.

    Definition Classes
  348. def refSetUpperTypeBoundOfTopOperand(pc: Int, bound: ReferenceType, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Called by the abstract interpreter when the type bound of the top most stack value needs to be refined.

    Called by the abstract interpreter when the type bound of the top most stack value needs to be refined. This method is only called by the abstract interpreter iff an immediately preceding subtype query (typeOf(value) <: bound) returned Unknown. This method must not be ignored – w.r.t. refining the top-most stack value; it is e.g., used by instructions.

    A domain that is able to identify aliases can use this information to propagate the information to the other aliases.

    Definition Classes
  349. def refTopOperandIsNull(pc: Int, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)

    Sets the is null property of the top-most stack value to Yes.

    Sets the is null property of the top-most stack value to Yes. This method is called by the framework when the top-most operand stack value has to be null, but a previous isNull check returned Unknown. E.g., after a that fails or if a InstanceOf check has succeeded.

    This method can be ignored; i.e., the return value can be (operands,locals). However, a domain that tracks alias information can use this information to propagate the information to the other aliases.

    Definition Classes
  350. def refineIsNull(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, isNull: Answer, operands: Operands, locals: Locals): (Operands, Locals)
    Definition Classes
  351. def registerReadWrite(currentPC: PC, successorPC: PC, index: Int)(implicit cfJoins: IntTrieSet, subroutinePCs: IntArraySet, localsArray: LocalsArray): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  352. def regularSuccessorsOf(pc: Int): PCs

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed next if the evaluation of this instruction may succeed without raising an exception.

    Returns the program counter(s) of the instruction(s) that is(are) executed next if the evaluation of this instruction may succeed without raising an exception.

    The returned set is always empty for return instructions. It is also empty for instructions that always throw an exception (e.g., an integer value that is divided by zero will always result in a NullPointException.)

    Definition Classes

    The instruction will never have a regularSuccessor. The return instructions will never have any successors.

  353. def returnFromSubroutine(pc: Int, lvIndex: Int): Unit


    The pc of the ret instruction.

    Definition Classes
  354. def returnVoid(pc: Int): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]

    Called when a return instruction with the given pc is reached.

    Called when a return instruction with the given pc is reached. In other words, when the method returns normally.

    Definition Classes

    If another domain always overrides this method the invocation of this one has to be ensured; otherwise the recorded CFG will be incomplete.

  355. def safeExternalExceptionsUsedBy(pc: Int): ValueOrigins

    Returns the instructions which use the (external) exception raised by the instruction with the given ValueOrigin.

    Returns the instructions which use the (external) exception raised by the instruction with the given ValueOrigin.

    Definition Classes
  356. def safeUsedBy(valueOrigin: ValueOrigin): ValueOrigins

    Returns the instructions which use the value or the external exception identified by the given value origin.

    Returns the instructions which use the value or the external exception identified by the given value origin. Basically, the same as usedBy except that an empty set of value origins is returned if the instruction with the given value origin is dead.

    Definition Classes
  357. def saload(pc: Int, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayLoadResult
  358. def sastore(pc: Int, value: DomainValue, index: DomainValue, arrayref: DomainValue): ArrayStoreResult
  359. def schedule(successorPC: Int, abruptSubroutineTerminationCount: Int, worklist: List[Int]): List[Int]

    This function can be called when the instruction successorPC needs to be scheduled.

    This function can be called when the instruction successorPC needs to be scheduled. The function will test if the instruction is already scheduled and – if so – returns the given worklist. Otherwise the instruction is scheduled in the correct (subroutine-)context.

    Definition Classes
  360. def sideEffectOnlyOrExceptions(pc: Int, value: DomainValue): Computation[Nothing, ExceptionValue]
    Definition Classes
  361. def