trait TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding extends TypeAnnotationsBinding with RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader with RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader with AttributeBinding
Factory methods to create representations of the attributes related to Java type annotations.
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding
- RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- AttributeReader
- TypeAnnotationsBinding
- AttributeBinding
- AttributesAbstractions
- AnnotationsBinding
- ConstantPoolBinding
- Constant_PoolReader
- ElementValuePairsReader
- TypeAnnotationPathReader
- TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- TypeAnnotationsReader
- AnnotationsAbstractions
- Constant_PoolAbstractions
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- type Annotation = br.Annotation
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → AnnotationsAbstractions
- type AnnotationValue = br.AnnotationValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type ArrayValue = br.ArrayValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type Attribute = br.Attribute
Specifying a lower bound is necessary to implement a generic
method.Specifying a lower bound is necessary to implement a generic
method.- Definition Classes
- AttributeBinding → AttributesAbstractions
- type Attributes = ArraySeq[Attribute]
- Definition Classes
- AttributesAbstractions
- type BooleanValue = br.BooleanValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type ByteValue = br.ByteValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type CONSTANT_Class_info = cp.CONSTANT_Class_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Double_info = cp.CONSTANT_Double_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Dynamic_info = cp.CONSTANT_Dynamic_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Fieldref_info = cp.CONSTANT_Fieldref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Float_info = cp.CONSTANT_Float_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Integer_info = cp.CONSTANT_Integer_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info = cp.CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info = cp.CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Long_info = cp.CONSTANT_Long_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info = cp.CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_MethodType_info = cp.CONSTANT_MethodType_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Methodref_info = cp.CONSTANT_Methodref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Module_info = cp.CONSTANT_Module_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_NameAndType_info = cp.CONSTANT_NameAndType_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Package_info = cp.CONSTANT_Package_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_String_info = cp.CONSTANT_String_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- type CONSTANT_Utf8_info = cp.CONSTANT_Utf8_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader → Constant_PoolAbstractions
- type CharValue = br.CharValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- abstract type ClassFile <: br.ClassFile
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolAbstractions
- type ClassValue = br.ClassValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- final type Constant_Pool = Array[Constant_Pool_Entry]
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolAbstractions
- type Constant_Pool_Entry = cp.Constant_Pool_Entry
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolAbstractions
- final type Constant_Pool_Index = Int
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolAbstractions
- type DeferredActionsStore = Buffer[(ClassFile) => ClassFile] with Constant_Pool_Entry
A DeferredActionsStore stores all functions that need to perform post load actions.
A DeferredActionsStore stores all functions that need to perform post load actions.
One example is the resolution of references to attributes. (The constant pool is the only structure that is passed around and hence it is the only place where to store information/functions related to a specific class file).
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolAbstractions
- type DoubleValue = br.DoubleValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type ElementValue = br.ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- type ElementValuePair = br.ElementValuePair
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- type ElementValuePairs = ArraySeq[ElementValuePair]
- Definition Classes
- ElementValuePairsReader → AnnotationsAbstractions
- type ElementValues = ArraySeq[ElementValue]
- Definition Classes
- ElementValuePairsReader
- type EnumValue = br.EnumValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type FloatValue = br.FloatValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type IntValue = br.IntValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type LocalvarTable = ArraySeq[LocalvarTableEntry]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- type LocalvarTableEntry = br.LocalvarTableEntry
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- type LongValue = br.LongValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute = RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationTable
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding → RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- type RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute = RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationTable
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding → RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- type ShortValue = br.ShortValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding
- type TypeAnnotation = br.TypeAnnotation
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationsReader
- type TypeAnnotationPath = br.TypeAnnotationPath
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader → TypeAnnotationsReader
- type TypeAnnotationPathElement = br.TypeAnnotationPathElement
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- type TypeAnnotationPathElementsTable = ArraySeq[TypeAnnotationPathElement]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationPathReader
- type TypeAnnotationTarget = br.TypeAnnotationTarget
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader → TypeAnnotationsReader
- type TypeAnnotations = ArraySeq[TypeAnnotation]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsReader
Abstract Value Members
- abstract def registerAttributeReader(reader: (String, (Constant_Pool, AttributeParent, Constant_Pool_Index, Constant_Pool_Index, Constant_Pool_Index, DataInputStream) => Attribute)): Unit
Called (typically by subclasses) to register a reader for a concrete attribute.
Called (typically by subclasses) to register a reader for a concrete attribute. This function is intended to be provided/implemented by an
that manages the attributes of a class, method_info, field_info or code_attribute structure.- reader
A map where the key is the name of an attribute and the value is a function that given a data input stream that is positioned directly at the beginning of the attribute, the constant pool, the index of the attribute's name and the parent of the attribute reads in the attribute and returns it.
- Definition Classes
- AttributeReader
- abstract def registerAttributesPostProcessor(p: (Attributes) => Attributes): Unit
Registers a new processor for the list of all attributes of a given class file structure (class, field_info, method_info, code_attribute).
Registers a new processor for the list of all attributes of a given class file structure (class, field_info, method_info, code_attribute). This can be used to post-process attributes. E.g., to merge multiple line number tables if they exist or to remove attributes if they are completely resolved.
- Definition Classes
- AttributeReader
- See also
The implementation of for a concrete example.
Concrete Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- def Annotation(cp: Constant_Pool, type_index: Constant_Pool_Index, element_value_pairs: ElementValuePairs): Annotation
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → AnnotationsAbstractions
- def Annotation(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): Annotation
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsAbstractions
- def AnnotationValue(cp: Constant_Pool, annotation: Annotation): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def ArrayValue(cp: Constant_Pool, values: ElementValues): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def BooleanValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def ByteValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def CONSTANT_Class_info(i: Int): CONSTANT_Class_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Double_info(d: Double): CONSTANT_Double_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Dynamic_info(bootstrap_method_attr_index: Constant_Pool_Index, name_and_type_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_Dynamic_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Fieldref_info(class_index: Constant_Pool_Index, name_and_type_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_Fieldref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Float_info(f: Float): CONSTANT_Float_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Integer_info(i: Int): CONSTANT_Integer_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info(class_index: Constant_Pool_Index, name_and_type_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info(bootstrap_method_attr_index: Constant_Pool_Index, name_and_type_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Long_info(l: Long): CONSTANT_Long_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info(reference_kind: Int, reference_index: Int): CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_MethodType_info(descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_MethodType_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Methodref_info(class_index: Constant_Pool_Index, name_and_type_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_Methodref_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Module_info(name_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_Module_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_NameAndType_info(name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_NameAndType_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Package_info(name_index: Constant_Pool_Index): CONSTANT_Package_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_String_info(i: Int): CONSTANT_String_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CONSTANT_Utf8_info(r: Array[Byte], s: String): CONSTANT_Utf8_info
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- def CastExpression(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int): TAOfCastExpression
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def Catch(exception_table_index: Int): TAOfCatch
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def CharValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def ClassValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def Constant_Pool(in: DataInputStream): Constant_Pool
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolReader
- def ConstructorInMethodReferenceExpression(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int): TAOfConstructorInMethodReferenceExpression
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ConstructorInvocation(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int): TAOfConstructorInvocation
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def DoubleValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def ElementValue(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValue
Parses an element value.
Parses an element value.
From the Specification
element_value { u1 tag; union { u2 const_value_index; { u2 type_name_index; u2 const_name_index; } enum_const_value; u2 class_info_index; annotation annotation_value; { u2 num_values; element_value values[num_values]; } array_value; } value; }
- Definition Classes
- ElementValuePairsReader
- def ElementValuePair(cp: Constant_Pool, element_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, element_value: ElementValue): ElementValuePair
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def ElementValuePair(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValuePair
- Definition Classes
- ElementValuePairsReader
- def ElementValuePairs(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): ElementValuePairs
- Definition Classes
- ElementValuePairsReader → AnnotationsAbstractions
- def EnumValue(cp: Constant_Pool, type_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, const_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def FieldDeclaration: TAOfFieldDeclaration.type
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def FloatValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def FormalParameter(formal_parameter_index: Int): TAOfFormalParameter
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def InstanceOf(offset: Int): TAOfInstanceOf
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def IntValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def LocalvarDecl(localVarTable: LocalvarTable): TAOfLocalvarDecl
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def LocalvarTable(in: DataInputStream): LocalvarTable
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def LocalvarTableEntry(start_pc: Int, length: Int, local_variable_table_index: Int): LocalvarTableEntry
Factory method to create a
.Factory method to create a
. To completely resolve such entries; i.e., to resolve the local_variable_table_index it may be necessary to do some post-processing after all attributes belonging to a code block are loaded. This can be done using the method Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def LongValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def MethodInMethodReferenceExpression(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int): TAOfMethodInMethodReferenceExpression
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def MethodInvocation(offset: Int, type_argument_index: Int): TAOfMethodInvocation
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def MethodReferenceExpressionIdentifier(offset: Int): TAOfMethodReferenceExpressionIdentifier
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def MethodReferenceExpressionNew(offset: Int): TAOfMethodReferenceExpressionNew
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def New(offset: Int): TAOfNew
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface(type_parameter_index: Int): TAOfParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor(type_parameter_index: Int): TAOfParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ReceiverType: TAOfReceiverType.type
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ResourcevarDecl(localVarTable: LocalvarTable): TAOfResourcevarDecl
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def ReturnType: TAOfReturnType.type
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute(cp: Constant_Pool, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, annotations: TypeAnnotations): RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding → RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- def RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute(cp: Constant_Pool, ap_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, ap_descriptor_index: Constant_Pool_Index, attribute_name_index: Constant_Pool_Index, annotations: TypeAnnotations): RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attribute
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationAttributesBinding → RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations_attributeReader
- def ShortValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def StringValue(cp: Constant_Pool, const_value_index: Constant_Pool_Index): ElementValue
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- def SupertypeTarget(supertype_index: Int): TAOfSupertype
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def Throws(throws_type_index: Int): TAOfThrows
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def TypeAnnotation(cp: Constant_Pool, target: TypeAnnotationTarget, path: TypeAnnotationPath, type_index: Constant_Pool_Index, element_value_pairs: ElementValuePairs): TypeAnnotation
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationsReader
- def TypeAnnotation(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): TypeAnnotation
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsReader
- def TypeAnnotationDeeperInArrayType: TADeeperInArrayType.type
(and the type_argument_index was also0
(and the type_argument_index was also0
).- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationDeeperInNestedType: TADeeperInNestedType.type
(and the type_argument_index was (as defined by the specification) also0
(and the type_argument_index was (as defined by the specification) also0
).- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationDirectlyOnType: TADirectlyOnType.type
The path's length was
.The path's length was
.- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationOnBoundOfWildcardType: TAOnBoundOfWildcardType.type
(and the type_argument_index was (as defined by the specification) also0
(and the type_argument_index was (as defined by the specification) also0
).- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationOnTypeArgument(type_argument_index: Int): TAOnTypeArgument
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationPath(path: ArraySeq[TypeAnnotationPathElement]): TAOnNestedType
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationPath(in: DataInputStream): TypeAnnotationPath
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationPathReader
- def TypeAnnotationTarget(in: DataInputStream): TypeAnnotationTarget
u1 target_type; union { type_parameter_target; supertype_target; type_parameter_bound_target; empty_target; method_formal_parameter_target; throws_target; localvar_target; catch_target; offset_target; type_argument_target; } target_info;
u1 target_type; union { type_parameter_target; supertype_target; type_parameter_bound_target; empty_target; method_formal_parameter_target; throws_target; localvar_target; catch_target; offset_target; type_argument_target; } target_info;
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def TypeAnnotations(cp: Constant_Pool, in: DataInputStream): TypeAnnotations
Reads a Runtime(In)VisibleTypeAnnotations attribute.
Reads a Runtime(In)VisibleTypeAnnotations attribute.
type_annotation { u1 target_type; union { type_parameter_target; supertype_target; type_parameter_bound_target; empty_target; method_formal_parameter_target; throws_target; localvar_target; catch_target; offset_target; type_argument_target; } target_info; type_path target_path; u2 type_index; u2 num_element_value_pairs; { u2 element_name_index; element_value value; } element_value_pairs[num_element_value_pairs]; }
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsReader
- def TypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface(type_parameter_index: Int, bound_index: Int): TAOfTypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfClassOrInterface
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- def TypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor(type_parameter_index: Int, bound_index: Int): TAOfTypeBoundOfParameterDeclarationOfMethodOrConstructor
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- implicit val annotationType: ClassTag[Annotation]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → AnnotationsAbstractions
- def applyDeferredActions(cp: Constant_Pool, classFile: ClassFile): ClassFile
This method is called/needs to be called after the class file was completely loaded to perform class file specific transformations.
This method is called/needs to be called after the class file was completely loaded to perform class file specific transformations.
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolReader → Constant_PoolAbstractions
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- implicit val attributeType: ClassTag[Attribute]
- Definition Classes
- AttributeBinding → AttributesAbstractions
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- implicit val constantPoolEntryType: ClassTag[cp.Constant_Pool_Entry]
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolAbstractions
- implicit def cpIndexTocpEntry(index: Constant_Pool_Index)(implicit cp: Constant_Pool): Constant_Pool_Entry
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding
- def createDeferredActionsStore(): DeferredActionsStore
Creates a storage area for functions that will be called after the class file was completely loaded.
Creates a storage area for functions that will be called after the class file was completely loaded. This makes it possible to register functions that are newly created for a special class file object to perform actions related to that specific class file object. For further information study the resolving process of
instructions.- Attributes
- protected[this]
- Definition Classes
- ConstantPoolBinding → Constant_PoolReader
- implicit val elementValuePairType: ClassTag[ElementValuePair]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- implicit val elementValueType: ClassTag[ElementValue]
- Definition Classes
- AnnotationsBinding → ElementValuePairsReader
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- implicit val localvarTableEntryType: ClassTag[LocalvarTableEntry]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationTargetReader
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @native() @IntrinsicCandidate()
- def registerDeferredAction(cp: Constant_Pool)(deferredAction: (ClassFile) => ClassFile): Unit
- Definition Classes
- Constant_PoolReader
- def reifyEmptyAttributes: Boolean
Controls whether empty attributes (e.g., a LocalVariableTypeTable with no entries) should be reified or should be dropped.
Controls whether empty attributes (e.g., a LocalVariableTypeTable with no entries) should be reified or should be dropped.
- Definition Classes
- AttributeReader
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- implicit val typeAnnotationPathElementType: ClassTag[TypeAnnotationPathElement]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationPathReader
- implicit val typeAnnotationType: ClassTag[TypeAnnotation]
- Definition Classes
- TypeAnnotationsBinding → TypeAnnotationsReader
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
Deprecated Value Members
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
- Deprecated